t w e n t y - n i n e

445 26 2

Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic


"Hi, Nova!"

"When did I get downgraded from Supernova?"

"Become a superhero and maybe I'll call you Supernova again."

"I might just take you up on that offer. Listen, Martin told me you called again. I'm sorry I'm calling back so late-"

"Why didn't I know about Martin?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Martin?"

"I don't tell you everything."

"Please. Just last week you texted me about a cloud you thought looked like Bon Jovi."

"Fine... It's pretty recent. I mean, kind of. But not really."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, Martin is my ex-boyfriend. Or rather was. But now he's my boyfriend again."

"Oh... How come he was your ex? Why did you break up?"

"Well, I moved. And I didn't want to do long distance. But then he moved too and it suddenly wasn't long distance anymore. He called when he got to New York City and we met up and it kind of seemed natural."

"That sounds... nice."





"Oh! I almost forgot. Last time when you called you said you needed to tell me something. What did you want to tell me?"

"You know what? It's not important."

"Really? Because it kind of sounded important."

"No, no, it's okay."

"I'm sorry I had to hang up on you then, because I mean, I was kind of in the middle of something with Martin and-"

"Yeah, got the picture. No need to explain."

"Ew, Peter! Not like that! We just talked. We needed to talk some things out. I mean, it's been almost a year since I've been in New York City."

"And did you?"

"Did we what?"

"Talk things out?"

"I think so. I mean, we are back together."

"Well, I'm happy for you then."

"Thanks. Now tell me what you wanted to tell me."

"Really, Nova, it's nothing."

"Okay, Petey, if you say so."

"Okay, then."

"I'll talk to you later?"


"Bye, Spidey-Boii!"





"I really like you, Supernova."

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