f o u r t y - t w o

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Spidey-Boii: "Why do people say no offense before saying something offensive? It's like, insult me if you must, but don't take away my right to be offended."

Spidey-Boii: i can see where you get your humor from

Spidey-Boii: your big sister has taught you well

You: i had to learn somewhere

You: you watched the interview, though???

Spidey-Boii: yeah, i did

Spidey-Boii: you guys did great

Spidey-Boii: i mean, your sister was so chill and nonchalant about it, joking around

Spidey-Boii: the perfect reaction to a situation like that

Spidey-Boii: she had a lot of grace

You: yeah, i think we handled it well

You: especially since it was really spur of the moment

You: that's what she came to talk to me about when i was on the phone with you

You: we pretty much went to the interview right after

You: this may have put me more on the radar, though, because before i was always too young to do interviews, my parents always shielded me from that and plus i really wasn't the object of interest when it came to new developments that Starr Industries did or Judy's modelling career

You: this time i kind of started this scandal so that did make me the object of interest

You: Judy says it's okay, though, that it will all blow over since we didn't feed the drama

Spidey-Boii: the interview was really kick-ass, though

You: "kick-ass" Peter Parker, you are such a dork

Spidey-Boii: i'm a fangirl too, because i can literally quote lines from it

Spidey-Boii: "With all due respect, I don't respect you... like... at all."

Spidey-Boii: i don't even know who that guy is, but the way he roasted that guy when he tried to antagonize you

You: that's Martin Faye

Spidey-Boii: wait, Martin Faye as in Faye Headphones?

You: yeah, his parents own Faye Headphones

Spidey-Boii: Martin Faye wouldn't also happen to be your Martin, would it?

You: yeah

You: peter, for a smart kid you pick up on this stuff kind of slow

Spidey-Boii: ha ha third sarcastic ha

Spidey-Boii: i don't mean to sound rude, but i thought you broke up, so why was he there?

You: we've been family friends with the fayes pretty much all our lives

You: i've been friends with Martin since i was 2 maybe

You: Judy and Troy, Martin's older brother, the other guy that was with us in the interview have been together since they were in high school, so i guess they're kind of an IT couple now

You: so because Judy and Troy are an item and Martin and I used to be an item, they were asked to be in the interview with us

You: honestly, i've been with Martin for so long that actually BEING with him seemed natural, so that's why he was my first boyfriend

Spidey-Boii: he was your first boyfriend?

You: yeah, i guess i followed in my sister's footsteps for one thing, dating one of the Faye brothers

You: it's not that i wasn't attracted to Martin, he's cute and i was and we had a lot of fun together, but i guess we had an expiration date

You: this sounds a lot meaner than i mean it, but i think we were each other's training wheels for dating, because we've always known each other, so we skipped a lot of the awkward stages

Spidey-Boii: you're not back together again then?

You: oh god no, Peter

You: i mean, we're still friends and i see him lots because he goes to Lakeview now too

You: and no before you ask when he came to Lakeview it wasn't some big romantic gesture

You: it's just that apart from Midtown they have the best science program and he and his brother are going to take over the company

You: on a side note Troy also went to Lakeview Academy

You: Troy's already started working with his dad and he has some new and innovative ideas about expanding the company to make other gadgets apart from headphones and there have been talks about merging parts of Starr Industries with Faye Headphones, and since they'd be working with gadgets with us they are probably going to expand to be Faye Gadgets now

Spidey-Boii: so, what i'm hearing is you and Martin are no longer a thing?

You: jesus peter is that all you got from that

You: no, Martin and I are no longer a thing

You: i actually like someone else

Spidey-Boii: o oh

You: there's that cute stutter i know and love

Spidey-Boii: s stop

You: hahahaha martin and i are getting on a plane right now, so see you back in new york, spidey-boii, because flight mode on, communications off

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