t h i r t y - s i x

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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"Why do people think that my sister and I don't get along?"

"How should I know? You sent me a picture, I didn't know who you were. You told me your name, I didn't know who you were. How am I supposed to know why you and your sister don't get along?"

"But we do! Judy and I get along just fine! It's just that she's a model and everyone expected me to follow in her footsteps and then when I didn't everyone just assumed there was bad blood between us, while in truth she's the one that's always encouraged and inspired me to do what I want to do. She even supported me when I decided to move to New York despite the fact that my entire family is in California. She's my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend."

"No, she is. You're my Spidey-Boii."

"You're my Supernova."

"Wait... Peter, I've got it. What if I made an online statement about what a supportive sister I have and how upset she's been about people thinking otherwise and post it? That is just the best idea. Thanks, Peter!"

"You're welcome?"

"I've got to go now. Talk to you later! Love you, Pete!"

"I love you too?" 

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