
I spun around, seeing Grace stand in the doorway, staring at me in confusion. Her blonde hair was weaved into a complicated braid. I recalled how I tried braiding her hair once. I suddenly had a huge respect for women who could braid after that. My dark eyes met her light blue ones. She was no doubt the only beautiful girl I’ve ever met and my mother couldn’t see how important she was to me. I can support her even as an artist. Couldn’t I?

“Listen, I have to go. Love you Mom.” I said quickly before hanging up. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket as my heart pounded heavily. Grace should never know about that conversation. I tried coming up with possible reasons why my mother called, but no convincing one came into mind.

“Y-Yeah?” My voice came out shaky.

Grace seemed reluctant to answer. She eyed my trembling fingers. I consciously held my hand together to try to stop the trembling. “Um…the food’s almost out. What did your mom call for this time?” Her confused expression was replaced with the smirk I always loved on her. She always seemed more confident every time she did.

“Oh, the usual. Stuff.” I shrugged nervously. I could feel my insides shake while my heart pounded heavier and louder.

“Like?” She frowned.

“Y-You know…” My mind went blank. I went into a silent panic when Grace came closer.

“You’re hiding something Malik.” She frowned, giving me a knowing look.

“Grace, I’d love to tell you, but now isn’t the best time. Understand?” I tried smiling to hide how bad the situation was.

Grace pouted. “I guess. Anyway, dinner’s out. C’mon.” She grabbed hold of my cold hand, pulling me out of the room.

I could only imagine how shocked I looked. Grace never backed out from things like these. She usually tried getting it out of me with every possible way. I guess she thought it wasn’t that important.

This’ll give me more time to sort things between my mother and I. She needed to know I didn’t need Harvard right now.

(Katia’s POV)

“You’re parents are funny.” I decided to say as soon as we left the dining room. Gabriel took me up to the small roof deck, where two lounge chairs were placed, as if he’d planned this all. The sky was darkening. I figured it was nearly six, but I didn’t seem to mind. I had fun today.

I caught his smirk as we sat on the two wooden chairs near the balcony edge. “Yeah? You should tell them that. They’ll love you even more—If they can love you any more than they already do now.” He finished off chuckling.

I scanned his features. They were unlike the rest of his family’s. His pale skin seemed paler because of his ink-black hair. His deep-set eyes were nothing like his father’s—nor his mother’s. His angelic face seemed more…American than Spanish. “You look nothing like them though.” I added quietly. I felt myself frown inwardly when I saw his small smile fade.

“And your point Brisbane?” He asked, looking up at the starless sky.

“Nothing…it’s just…how is that possible…unless…” I hesitated to jump to conclusions. I couldn’t imagine how he’d respond to my little idea. He glanced at me, now staring at my confused expression.

“Unless? Unless what?” He eyed me.

“Nothing. Never mind.” I shook my head. I didn’t want anything to get awkward.

“Unless I was adopted right?”

My head snapped up. Gabriel was now smirking at me.

“Was that what you were afraid of? Asking if I was adopted?” He continued on.

Slowly, I nodded, biting my lower lip. “Maaaybeee…”

He chuckled. “Well, I am.”

My mind went blank. “W-What?”

“I. Am.” He repeated simply, not minding my mouth being slightly ajar. “Problem?” Gabriel looked at me, amused.

“No.” I choked out. I knew what if was like to be given up. My parents literally dumped Kat and I away. “If you don’t mind me asking…why?”

“Why they left?” He asked, clearing it up.

I responded with a silent nod.

“They were going out when I was younger.” Gabriel started. “They dropped me off here with our family friend, Stella. I found out the next day that a bus had crashed into their car. They were never going to get me. I stayed with Stella. She became my mom, but she was single then. It wasn’t till later on when she met José.” He ended, sounding like he’d told the same story to different people for years. For all I knew, he could have been.

“I’m sorry.” I said timidly, watching as my fingers played with each other on my lap.

“Don’t be. They’re not dead. Well, not my mom at least. She just doesn’t remember me anymore.”

(Gabriel’s POV)

I could feel Katia’s eyes on me as I tried to look away. I recalled everything too well; The sound of my mother’s voice when she tried to convince everyone I wasn’t her son at all, and the music at my father’s funeral, which my mother didn’t attend because she also didn’t believe that she had a husband. I used to have to be pulled away from her when I was younger. People couldn’t blame me. I didn’t know why my mother was pushing me away when I needed her the most. Stella used to take me to the mental hospital where my mom stayed. I stopped wanting to go cause it was too painful.

“Gabriel?” Her soothing voice seeped in my mind, gently pulling me out of my old memory.

“Mhhmm?” I said, feeling a little dazed as my eyes met hers. She was beautiful. But she didn’t want me back. That part was a given.

“Are you alright?”

I chuckled. “Just fine. Don’t worry Brisbane.”

She reluctantly nodded. “It’s getting a bit late isn’t it.” She looked up at the sky for the second time since I’d taken her up.

“I guess I should take you home now.” I stood, letting out a hand to help her up. I never used to do this to girls—not even to my passed girlfriends, but I felt like I should now.

She smiled angelically and held it to stand next to me. This would probably be the closest we’ll ever be. Bree and Sebastian had told me about Liam. I knew him as the guy in One Direction. They were recently found artists. Apparently, Katia and Liam were together before the band formed. But it didn’t work out.

I knew everything.

Living With A Payne (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now