Chapter 21: What Hurts The Most.

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Chapter 21: What Hurts The Most…

(Liam’s POV)

“Harry? Lou! Open up! I left my jacket!” I rapped on the door again. No one answered. It was eight in the evening. I was pretty sure they were home.

I huffed. I’d been standing there since seven! Where the hell could they be? Or were they ignoring me because of what happened last night? No. Impossible. They were my mates. They wouldn’t do that to me.

That’s it.

I turned the knob and to my surprise…


They hadn’t locked their door.

Louis was always careful about locking the door, even when they were home.

I strode in.

“Louis! Harry!” I yelled.

No reply.

They were out.

I walked quietly over to where the couch was. And…

“Bob’s your uncle…” I muttered to myself. I picked up my crumpled leather jacket.

I frowned when I picked it up. Something had fallen from inside one of the folds. I reached for it.

It took me five seconds to realize it was a phone, and another five to figure out whose it was.

I chuckled inwardly at the wallpaper on the screen.

I always had to pick up after her.

But what would she say when she saw me?

(Kat’s POV)

“Let’s go. We’ve been sitting here for hours.” Kenz patted my back. She was right. It was passed eight, but I couldn’t help but feel like we needed to wait a bit more. I knew there was no point. It wasn’t like Katia was magically going to come back any minute.

I huffed. I hadn’t realized almost everyone had fallen asleep on the benches. “Yeah. Okay.”

“D’you want to sleep over at my place?” Kenz offered.

I smiled and nodded. “Thanks.”


I turned to see Niall standing sleepily behind me. I let him come closer, wrapping his warm arms around my shivering body. Against him, I looked extremely short, but on the brighter side, if I wore heels, I wouldn’t surpass his height, which was a very important thing.

“Yep.” I found myself lost into his deep blue eyes.

“You alright?”

If I wasn’t so upset about everything I would have said something like ‘No. I’m absolutely fine! That’s why I’m close to tears!’ but right now…I didn’t care anymore. I simply shook my head, burying my face in his chest.

I could hear his calm voice, hushing me as I gripped onto his shirt. “Everything will be fine. I’ll take care of you.”

I felt my heart leap—if that was even possible. It had been a while since he’d hugged me like this. I honestly had no idea what I considered Niall. A friend? A boyfriend? What did he think of me? I was too wrapped up in the fact Liam was being an ass to Katia, and that Chesca was being a stalker, to have time to think about Niall. Guilt rose from inside me. It had probably shown on my face because now, he frowned at me in confusion.

“What’s wrong?” Niall’s big hands cupped my face. I could hear Kenz waking everyone up in the background.

“Nothing.” I muttered, pulling away. Of course, I did what every little kid in trouble did. I lied. “I just miss my sister.”

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