Chapter 27

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"No," I breathed as I heard Toothless' last roar. I can hear the emotions in his roar: Distress, sadness and loneliness.

I can't believe that I won't see him anymore. I won't see his gummy smile. I won't see his pupils dilated when he's trying to be cute. I won't see his overprotectiveness and how he flings up his wing just to protect me. I-I won't see my bestfriend anymore.

My bestfriend who was always there for me no matter what. The first friend I had since I was a gangly nobody. The bestfriend who taught me a whole meaning of dragons.

Everything around me then went silent. I don't know why but it just did. There were some people talking but I can't seem to hear them. Just then, an axe landed in front of me. I was confused.

"Huh?" I questioned myself.

Then, I was picked up by a dragon and was in air. I still didn't hear anything but my head felt dizzy. Arrows kept coming at us and we tried to dodge them. Until this one arrow. It hitted my shoulder and was shot straight to my skin and unto my flesh.

I tried to lessen the pain but it still hurted. "Argh!" I grunted.

Then, I fell down. I was out of the dragons's grip and I fell down. I fell down and down. This felt like dejà vù. I was near to the sea and I opened up my flight suit but only to be meet under the sea.

It was all black.


"Son!" Stoick, the chief, ran up to Hiccup as I placed him down to the ground. "What happened?"

We all tried to ignore at his question but failed.

"What happened?!" he asked again. I gave the signal and the twins placed Dagur down.

"He happened," I confessed as Stoick approached him.

"How dare you try to kill my family. And how did you get out of prison?" he spat on him.

"Oh that," he bragged, "That was easy. Your two guards, Alvin? They were stupid."

Alvin growled as his Whispering Death, Growler, tried to attack him.

"Woah, Growler," Alvin said in his raspy voice, trying to calm down the mighty beast.

"I've been preparing this was for two years and it looks like it worked properly!" Dagur continued. I had the urge to punch him in the face followed by a kick. I had the urge to beat the crap (A/N: Sorry for the bad word) out of him. I had the urge to kill him myself and not giving him mercy.

My face hardened as I walked up to Dagur but was then stopped. I turned around and saw Valka and Ruffnut pulling me back.

"No, dear," Valka said, softly. Ruffnut followed by a promising look. My only answer was a nod but I wanted to go up there and just....KILL HIM!

"Guards!" Stoick yelled. "Bring him in the prison and we'll see what we can do with him." Then two guards got him and they disappeared as they went to prison.

I was assigned to get Hiccup to his bed. Gothi came in to heal his big cut. She removed his leather armour that revealed an arrow cutting through Hiccup's skin. The blood was beginning to dry as it fell down his wooden bed.

I could feel tears teasing me to get out. I could feel the world around me be sad and can't help having a sob. But I fought it. I'm a warrior!

"He will be okay," Gobber said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and gave a nod. I then turned my head back to see Gothi still cleaning Hiccup's blood.

I pulled a chair from his desk and sat down next to him. I took his right hand and entwined it with mine. Gothi put special leaves on the wound and wrapped it around his arm to secure the leaves.

I looked at Hiccup who was breathing peacefully. His breaths were just peaceful. His eyelids closed and his auburn brown hair messy as usual.

Gothi finished her job, gave me a nod and left. 'The Gang' then came into the bedroom and stood there in sadness. Ruffnut came up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her and she gave me a comforting smile. I gave back the smile and turned my gaze back to Hiccup who hasn't moved a muscle.

Stoick came in and Valka went to him to comfort him. He nodded silently while Valka told him some things that comforts him.

Soon after, everyone left including Valka and Stoick and I was left there. Toothless then came in and saw his injured rider and ran up to him. He looked at me with a worried face and I petted his head to say that he's going to be okay. He nudged my hand a little and went to his stump to sleep.

I figured I should sleep here too and took a blanket of fur out of the closet. I laid it all over the floor and laid down. I went to sleep but Hiccup's conciousness still on my mind.



We didn't have an update yesterday so maybe I can have a double update today, this one being the first one and I'll update later? Is that okay?

Or nah?

Looks like Toothless didn't die! Hooray?

But Hiccup is kinda....knocked out if you ask me. Jeez.

Whoever wrote that must be maniac! No wait...that's me! Hehe!

Anway, hope you like it!

Peace out!

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