Chapter 7

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One more week. One more week till Snoggletog and we have been psyching out. My dad assigned 'The Gang' to decorate Snoggletog this year and I think we've done a great job! We've got streamers, banners and Gobber's band! It was perfect!

We were now here at the cliffs, relaxing since my dad told us to take a rest and then come back. We all flew here since it was so peaceful and quiet. Well, it was peaceful and quiet until Ruffnut and Tuffnut started bickering. While they two argued, Fishlegs was talking to Meatlug. With Snotlout being here, he tried to make a move to Heather but failed. I saw Astrid flying all around the skies, doing tricks. I decided to go with her. I hopped on Toothless and he raced off to Stormfly.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hey!" she greeted back.

"So, can you do a triple loops? 'Cause I can," I said, smirking.

She crossed her arms and said, "Is that a challenge, I hear?"

"Well I prefer the sentence be 'letting you see what my dragon can do' but if you want to then, yes!"

"You want to see what my dragon can do?" she asked, "Then you'll see it!" She was going to fly off when she said something, "Oh! And you might want to take notes." I smirked at her comeback and she flew off. She went all around me. Stormfly then bumped her up in the sky. She was doing loops and so was Stormfly. I thought she was going to fall! But she never did. Stormfly catched her while she was gliding down. She flew next to me, grinning.

"Beat that!" she exclaimed. Everyone clapped at her. She praised her fans and turned to me. "Your turn Haddock," she said.

"Well bud, looks like we have to game up," I said to Toothless. His eyes widened, knowing what we had to do. We flew off, high into the clouds. It was getting cold since the freeze was coming.

"You ready bud?" I asked him. He warbled a 'yes' and I slid off him. We both passed Stormfly and Astrid and looked at each other. I gave a nod and my 'so called' wings came out. We both glided and I was going down but Toothless' fire kept me alive by the hot steaming fire he kept giving me. After a couple of minutes, I returned to Toothless' saddle and we went up. We did loops until we were back at the same position we were. The others clapped and cheered really loud while Astrid's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Your mouth is open m'lady," I said to her. She closed her mouth and rolled her eyes. "Good game Haddock." She took out her hand and I shook it. She went closer to me and pecked my cheek. She then flew away, leaving me there. Touching where she just kissed me, unexpectedly. Classic Astrid.


So, this is not an important chapter. But it did have Sastrid (sass and Astrid) in it. You didn't have to read this.

Peace out!

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