Chapter 18

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It has now been a month we've been living like this. I can tell Hiccup misses Berk and I gotta admit, I do too.

We were both playing hide and seek with Toothless and Stormfly. We always play this. Hiccup is now the seeker and the three of us went off to hide. I hid behind a thick bush and stayed there. I looked around cautiously around, hiding from Hiccup. I then heard a screech followed by a growl. I'm guessing Hiccup found the dragons. Now the only thing left to find is me. I sharpened my eyes when someone grabbed me by the waist.

"Aaaah!" I shouted. I then fell back, on top of the person. I turned around and saw Hiccup. We both laughed and stood up. I looked at his face and it was filled with laughter but it hinted his sadness of Berk.

"That was fun!" he laughed.

"Haha! Yea!" I replied.

He noticed my sadness and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I-It's just," I started, "I know you miss Berk and I don't want to be the reason of why."

He sighed and messed his auburn hair. "Astrid, if you don't want to go back then I'll stay here with you. I'd rather live here with you in this isolated island than to be in a crowdy place without you," he said. I blushed deeply and was beaming at his reply.

"But I want to," I said to him.

"What?" he asked.

"I want to go back to Berk. I miss eveyone and my parents. And I bet Toothless and Stormfly miss the other dragons." The sound of Toothless and Stormfly when I mentioned them made them come to us. I looked at Hiccup, waiting for a reply.

"Are you sure? Because we could always come back later. a month or so?" he suggested.

"I'm sure, Hiccup," I said with no hesitation.

"Fine," he replied, "We'll go in the morning." I smiled at his reply and hugged him.

"Thank you," I whispered unto his ears. We broke the embrace and he gave me an assuring smile. We then went back to the house. We packed what we need for tomorrow and got to sleep.


I woke up. For the first time in forever, (A/N: I know what you're thinking) Hiccup isn't in bed with me. I then heard a noise outside. I went to check of what it is and saw Hiccup saddling Stormfly.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm just saddling Stormfly since we're going back," he replied.

Going back? Berk? Saddling?

Am I missing something? Just then, I pieced the puzzle together. We're going back to Berk today. After Hiccup finished packing, we mounted our dragons. We then took off, saying goodbye to the island.

It took a couple of hourse since well.....I chose a pretty isolated island to live when I ran away. When we got there, we went straight to the forge to announce that we're back.

"Gobber!" yelled Hiccup. Just then, a person popped his head behind the wall.

"Hiccup!" he exclaimed, "You're back!" It was Gobber. "And you've brought Astrid!" His eyes then dropped to our entwined hands. I blushed at the sight of Hiccup and Gobber giving each other face signals and I could tell what they're talking about halfway through it.

"Where's dad?" Hiccup asked. Gobber was about to answer when a voice interrupted us.

"Hiccup?" We turned around and it was Stoick.

"Dad!" exclaimed Hiccup. Stoick ran up to Hiccup and gave him a choking hug, breaking our entwined hands.

"Can'," he choked out the words. He broke the embrace and noticed me there standing.

"And you've brought Astrid!

"That's what I said!" interrupted Gobber. We were all smiling until Stoick's voice changed.

"Son," Stoick said, sounding serious, "We have to talk alone." Hiccup nodded and they both went away, leaving me here with Gobber.

"Good to have you back, Astrid!" Gobber interrupted my thoughts. "You know, young Hiccup was stressing about you being gone."

"He was?" I asked.

"Yea, of course! He stressed so hard that he didn't even talked to us for days!" My thoughts was then shocked. He cared about me? No, no. I bet he's only doing that 'coz we're just friends. Yep! That's it.

"I gotta go, Gobber. I'm going to tell my parents I'm back." He nodded, gesturing to excuse me to leave. I left him and ran towards my house.

But at the same time, the thoughts that Gobber said to me haunted my mind. Is it true?


After leaving Astrid with Gobber, my dad and I went to the house to talk. I'm curious at what he's going to say. We got inside and sat down in our chairs.

"! What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, the curiosity eating me up.

"Well...." he started, "A week ago, we reiceved a letter. It was a letter declaring a war. And we said yes. There was no choice. Either we surrender and bow down to them or we prepare. So, I'm asking you Hiccup, as the son's chief, to be in the front line at air, leading the other dragon riders. We need you to lead us." My face was shocked and my mind was circling of what my dad said.

"War? But we'll just reason the war declarer. We should tell him to stop and give up," I replied.

"No, son," he said, firmly.

"But it's our duty to keep the peace!" I argued, "Let's go down there and reason him."

"Peace is over. I must prepare you for war."

"War?" I asked, shocked. "Dad, he is coming for Berk. We have to find him and reason him."

"Son," he said, shaking his head, "Men who kill stuff cannot be reasoned with. And plus, we don't know who sent the letter. It was passed on to me, secretly." I slumped my shoulders in defeat. My mind kept on wondering who sent the letter. Who is it?

The answer I had just rolled out of my toungue and said...


So...that was how Hiccup and Astrid went back to Berk!

Seen some movie lines?

Know who sent the letter?

I really thank you for reading this! I thought no one was ever going to read this and here it is! Thank you all SO much! You deserve and applause! WOOHOO!!

More than 300 votes? More than 300 votes? Am I dreaming? Am I seriously dreaming? If I am, pinch me! Even though I don't want this to end.

To be honest, I nearly cried writing this chapter. It's because Stoick is here. (If you have watched HTTYD2 you would know why) And yes, I'm still depressed about that.

I hope you're liking this book yet. There's still a LOT more to go so don't say it's already done. It's not yet finished.

Peace out!

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