Chapter 12

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Am I dreaming? Is this true? Can someone please pinch me so I can wake up? Am I imagining this? Okay, I'm talking nonsense! I mean they're just holding hands! I bet it's nothing serious, then why do I feel that I care? D-do I need to do something? I'm clueless right now. I saw them having fun and holding hands. I followed them. I didn't know why but I'm following my guts right now and they're telling me to do it. They were heading to the woods. I followed them carefully, not knowing what's going to happen. Maybe they're-no! Do not even think about it. No! I hid behind a tree when they sat on a large rock. I was trying to get closer when I snapped a twig. Son of Thor why? They both looked up and saw me. I then ran. I ran as fast as I could, not knowing where to go. Why did I even do this? Why? I then heard my name but I still kept on going. I looked back but still kept on running, not knowing what was ahead of me. I then bumped to something. I fell down and massaged my head.

"Sorry, I just had to do it." I know who it was. I looked up and my guess was right! It was Hiccup. "What you saw was nothing okay? There is nothing going on between me and Heather. I swear to Thor's hammer," he said. I stood up and nodded.

"Okay, I believe you," I replied.

"Look let me make it up. Let me take you on a date." I smiled happily and nodded cheerfully. I hugged him and punched him.

"That's for making me bump into you," I explained. I then kissed him on the cheek, "And that's for everything else." I whistled for Stormfly and a matter of seconds, she was here. I mounted her and was about to fly off when Hiccup called my name.

"Meet me at the cove later this afternoon," he said. I nodded and off we went. I got home and got ready.


I went back to Heather. I then told her that I can't hang out with her now since I've got a lot of things to do. She understood me and went home. I went home too and got ready for the date. I packed food, a blanket and my sword just in case. I was then ready when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was surprisingly Heather!

"Heather! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I need to ask you how to do tricks with a Deadly Nadder and I need help."

"Well, can this wait until tomorrow? I have a date to get to," I complained.

"It can't Hiccup." She then went inside and sat down. She took out a notebook and a charcoal stick. She gestured me to sit down beside her. This is going to be a long conversation.


Finally she was done and I can get to Astrid! I looked out and it was already dark. That means it's been one hour! Astrid is going to kill me! I hopped on Toothless and we got there as fast as we could. We were there for a couple of seconds and saw Astrid sitting there. She then stood up, turned around and noticed me.

"Hey," I greeted lamely.

"You're late," she said back.

"I know but we can still have our date."

"I don't know Hiccup." She then sighed. I noticed her sadness.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"It's just that.....everytime we do things alone right now doesn't feel right."

"You're not breaking up with me right?" I asked. Please tell me she isn't. I don't know what I would do without her.

"No! No, of course not," she exclaimed, "I would never. But...."


"It doesn't feel special anymore."

"Well let me make it special for you." I kissed her lips, making it special for her. She then returned it and it grew and grew. I then snaked my arms around he waist while her hands held my collar. Her hands then went up in my hair, her messing it up. I gave a small moan, only letting Astrid hearing that. We didn't want to end this so we slowed our kisses down. We needed our breath but we sucked up every last of ours until we were really breathless. Sadly, we parted our lips but our foreheads touched, making me bend my head down. "Was that special m'lady?" I asked.

"Definetly," she answered. We both smiled and I gestured her to eat the food that I packed. We both ate it and stared up in the sky. We stayed in complete silence, not knowing what to say. It was then time for Astrid to go home and I went with her.

"Goodnight Astrid," I bid her.

"Goodnight Hiccup," she bid back. I gave her a small kiss and she went inside.


When I got inside, I saw my dad looking at me. I waved at him and stayed in the complete, utter silence.

"Where have you been Astrid?" he asked, interrupting the silence, "I hope you've been training."

"Y-yes! I-I was!" I lied to him.

"Oh really? Then why is you axe on your bedroom?" My eyes widened, not having a answer.

"I-I was training with Stormfly so I didn't need my axe," I explained.

"Oh okay then! Hope you had a nice training session." I then went upstairs and flopped on my bed. I was exhausted from eveything today. It's been a long day.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I don't have anything to say but 'hi!' and 'goodbye!'

Peace out!

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