Chapter 21

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My eyes shot open. My mind started to work again. My thoughts circled through me. It was only 3 am and I am wide awake. 2 weeks. 2 more weeks and the bloody war is going to begin. I sat up, not minding the headache for sitting up to fast.

Toothless saw my movements and woke up. He walked up to me and nudged me in the face.

"Sorry bud," I apologised, "But I really can't sleep." He then nodded his head to the sky and saw the cool, dark blue that lingers at me.

He, again, nudged me and I got his point. I then realised what he was talking about and got up. I stumbled back but managed to get up on my feet. I put on my armour and went out in the chilly, cold night. I let out a huff of air as I saddled up Toothless. I then mounted him and we flew off.

"Let's see what you got bud," I said to him. He gave out a determination growl and he flew up in the sky. Just then, I slid out of his saddle, his automatic tail on. I just slid down. Down and down to the sea. It was only a couple of meters until I crash down to the sea and I spread my arms to have my fake wings but failed. I splashed down to the sea, the water rusting my armour. I went down and down until I couldn't breath anymore. My lungs had no air and I suffocated. Then....everything went black. All I could see or hear was blackness. Blackness.

I sat up, breathing rapidly as I placed my hand on my chest. I looked all around and saw that I'm back in my bedroom. How? Before I was drowning and now I'm back here. W-Was it a dream? I shook my head and noticed that it was 6 am. I should now make weapons for the war. It is 2 weeks away from it.

I went to the bathroom and couldn't help noticing that my armour that was laid out on a chair was a bit moist. It was kind of wet like it was drenched from the sea. But I'm guessing it came from Toothless' licks he usually gives me. I put it on and messed up my hair, not ruining the two braids Astrid gave me. The first one was when we were living on her faraway island and the other last night.

"That's a braid to remind everyone you are mine now," she said sweetly as she tied up the braid. She then kissed my cheek and we cuddled up again.

I smiled at the vision last night as Toothless nudged me behind my back. I turned around and he was sitting there, just staring at me.

"Bud, you're going to have to alone for today. I'm going to work on the forge," I said to him as I placed my hand on his head. He nudged my hand a little and went off. I went off, too, before eating bacon and eggs for breakfast. I noticed my parents are not here and guessed that they're up and about in the island.

As I got in the forge, Gobber wasn't there so it was a perfect time to have peace and quiet. I then started to work. I made all the weapons I can think of. Swords, maces, axes and many more.

By the time I was halfway done of my work, it was lunch time. I then walked to the Mead Hall, everyone greeting me and saying 'his' and 'hellos'. The Mead Hall was always open. The only thing it didn't have was breakfast so that pretty much considered we Vikings had to cook in our respective homes. All of us didn't know why the Mead Hall doesn't serves breakfast but we tend to ignore it and just go with it.

I got there and saw nearly everyone on their seats and eating their lunch. I got to our table and saw the usual thing as always: Ruff and Tuff fighting, Fishlegs reading a book, Snoutlout trying to impress Heather while Heather just ate her lunch quietly. But the thing that strucked me the most is that Astrid was quiet. So I creeped up on her just to surprise her.

"Hey," I breathed in her ear. She turned around and saw me.

"Hiccup! Where were you?" she asked.

"At the forge," I answered simply.

"Oh gods!" she exclaimed, slapping her forehead. "The forge! I forgot to check there! I thought you were gone somehwere really dangerous since we saw Toothless at the woods. He's now playing with Stormfly now."

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