Chapter 5

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The sun was up and it was time to go to the academy. Me and Toothless got there (being first of course) and waited for the others. After a couple of minutes, they came barging in.

"Okay everyone! Let's get started!" I exclaimed when a booming voice came in.

"Hiccup!" It was dad.

"Dad! W-what are you doing here?"

"I want to talk to you outside, son." I nodded and we both went outside. There, outside, is a girl. It was Heather!


We waited for Hiccup to get back and start for the lessons.

"Hey guys!" he greeted.

"Hiccup! What took you so long?" I asked. He gaped his mouth and nearly spoke when a voice interrupted us. This voice was way too familiar and I only have one guess who it is. I searched for the person who greeted and I was right. The rest of the gang gasped while I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"Heather, babe! What are you doing here?" Snotlout asked trying to pull a string.

"Well Snotlout, I'm here because we moved here," she explained, "My parents wanted me to be with you guys since you guys are the only teenagers here and Stoick agreed me to be in the academy!"

I froze.

She? She's going to be here? In the academy? I just stood there, blinking and breathing. I was too shocked by the sudden decision that my body wouldn't move anymore. It's like someone put glue all over me and stuck me into the ground.

"Look, I'm going to go since uhm.....I need to go," I said, making an excuse. I hopped on Stormfly and went off in the forest. I saw a clearing and landed Stormfly. I jumped off her and she went to sit down while I trained with my axe. I threw it to every tree I can see and hit it bullseye. I train like this for a minute and sat down. I couldn't imagine Heather being in the academy. I know what she did was years ago but I still don't trust her. I can't have her flirting with Hiccup too.


Why do I care if Heather flirts with Hiccup? Maybe because you're dating him. Agh! Conscience is beating me up! I kicked a stone nearby and it sounded at the trees, bouncing off it. I then noticed something. Something, or rather someone, was watching me. I turned around and saw a boy with auburn hair. It was Hiccup.

"A-Astrid! W-What are you doing here?" he asked. I gave him a 'really? It's not working' look. He sighed. "Fine. I followed you here since you raced off at the academy," he explained. He then sat next to me. "Look. I know you don't trust her and I don't too but they're going to be living here in Berk and there's nothing we could do about it. Okay?" he said, comforting me. That's one of the reason I like him so much. He knows my emotions without me saying anything and then he comforts me. I nodded.

"Fine. I guess I better get used to the fact that Heather is going to be living in Berk," I said, sounding defeated.

"Thank you m'lady for making this easier," he said. He hugged me and I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and decided to come back.


AN: Hello! My bold isn't working. Don't ask why. So I've written the sign! There's a little bit of Hiccstrid in there.

Did you guess that it was Heather and her parents?

Now do you know what's going to happen?

It's not a good chapter!

Peace out!

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