Chapter 14 part 2

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I saw her go. I saw her ran. So, I ran after her. She was heading towards the woods.

"Astrid!" I shouted.

"Go away!" she shouted back. I refused to her instructions and still followed her. We both ended up in the cove. She noticed my presence and turned to me.

"Go away!" she shouted back. That was all she ever said. I ran to her and held her arms. I looked to her beautiful blue eyes but she never looked unto mine.

"Astrid..." I whispered. I started to carress her face. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She stopped my carressing with her hand and held my hands. It took a moment to reply. "Everything..." she paused for a moment and looked to my eyes, "Hiccup." She broke the embrace and ran out of the cove.


I couldn't hold it anymore. I ran out of the cove, crying. I, 'Fearless' Astrid Hofferson, is crying because of a boy. But not just any boy. This boy is the one I loved for the past life. This boy changed everything the way we are living now. And this boy changed me. He turned me into a loving person. This boy was Hiccup. But that changed. Suddenly my life turned into a nightmare, me, struggling to get out. I had to get out of here. I don't belong here anymore. I whistled for Stormfly and she directly came to me. She noticed me crying and tried to comfort me. I smiled at her and hopped on. We flew up above, looking for another island to land and live there.......forever. I said my final goodbyes to Berk and headed south.

"This is a new beginning. For both of us," I said to Stormfly. She gave a supporting warble and I gave her a weakly smile.


Did you like it?

Did it make you cry? Because that is what I'm aiming for.

If you didn't cry, tell me what I should have done.

I know it's really bad but it's the best I can do. Sorry.

Today, I just watched HTTYD2!!!!! It was SO awesome! I even cried three times!

For those who haven't seen it yet, I will not tell spoilers and it sounds easier said than done, believe me.

I would like to thank you all for reading this book. I thought no one would ever read it. But as the day grew by, this book gets more votes! Thank you all SO much!

Keep reading!

Peace out!

The Fall of UsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ