
The drive there is awkward as hell. Neither one of us says anything. Zayn looks at his phone constantly.
I pull onto the road where the party is. "You could've said Louis' house", Zayn laughs. Really? I roll my eyes. "Sorry", he whispers. Harry better be here.
I squint my eyes at something in front of me. Someone's laying on the side of the road..I slam on the brakes. "What the..", Zayn starts. I rip the door open and run out towards him.
He's flipped over so his face is in the dirt. Oh god. I put my hands over my mouth. Tears stream down my face. I hear another car door slam.
I touch his back carefully. God please no. His eyes are closed. I turn to see Zayn running towards me. "Shit", he curses. He moves to my side. "I'm going to flip him over Leah", he whispers in my ear.
I'm gasping for air. Zayn flips him over and puts his ear to his chest. His face is pale. "Wake up Harry!", I shout and shake his shoulders. "Stop", Zayn yells at me. "He's alive. Okay? Stop", he breathes. I gasp for air.
I grab his hand and squeeze. His hand is freezing. "C'mon let's get him into the car", Zayn puts his hand on my shoulder. I nod frantically.
Harry squeezes my hand. "Wait Zayn", I plead. "Harry?", I wipe his curls off of his forehead. His eyes flutter open. He coughs.
"What are you doing here Leah?", he slurs. I swallow hard. "You already left silly", he smiles, dimples showing. I wrap my arms around him and pull him up towards me. He doesn't hold himself up. His head hangs limply in my arms. He's completely intoxicated.
"He may have alcohol poisoning. We need to get him to a hospital", Zayn tells me. I look at him. Harry turns his head away from me. "I uh", Harry starts. He throws up. I jerk my hand away. Zayn helps him sit up.
Harry pukes for a good minute. I look away but keep my hand on his back, moving it in circles. "Let's get him in the car", Zayn says. Harry's bigger than Zayn, he's going to need help. "I can walk", Harry slurs. He pulls his legs closer to him. "No Harry you can't", I tell him. If I wasn't so terrified right now, I would be furious at him.
"Grab his upper body. Can you do that?", Zayn asks me. I move so I can wrap my arms under Harry's. "Yeah", I reply. Zayn slides his hands under Harry's lower back. "Okay lift", Zayn says. I lift Harry up. We walk to the car. The back door is closed. "Shit", Zayn curses.
I twist my body and stick my shoe under the door handle. I pull my leg back and the door opens. "That's talent", Zayn laughs. I force a smile.
I tighten my grip on Harry and step backwards into my car. Zayn pushes Harry in. I sit and and pull Harry towards me. His head falls in my lap. Zayn closes the back door. He slides into the driver's seat.
"I'm a good driver don't worry", Zayn jokes. He starts the car and begins to drive.
"Harry how much did you drink?", I ask, wiping dirt off of his cheek. "You'll be angry", he laughs. "Do you even remember?" I frown at him. "A little of everything", he slurs. His breathing is irregular. Zayn makes a noise. His eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror. I look back down at Harry. Why would he do that?
"See you're mad", Harry smirks. I swallow hard. "I'm not feeling great", Harry sighs. He's going to throw up. "Zayn stop the car!", I yell. Zayn hits the brakes. I open the side door and pull Harry to where is head sticks out. He throws up. Zayn sighs.
The sight of vomit makes me sick. I look away. Harry hits my arm, telling me he's done. I turn him over and pull him back in. He isn't completely limp anymore so I don't have to lift his full body weight. I close the door and Zayn begins to drive again.
Harry makes a disgusted face. "That's the second time I've thrown up in front of my girlfriend", Harry laughs. My heart skips a beat at the word "girlfriend".


Zayn pulls into the "Emergency" section of the hospital and parks the car. He steps out and opens the back door for me. I get out then Zayn pulls Harry out. Harry stands for a second, until his knees buckle under him. Zayn catches him.
He puts Harry's arm around his shoulder. I copy his actions. We begin to walk towards the entrance. Harry shuffles his feet slowly.
We walk through the sliding doors. The nurse at the front desk looks up. "What seems to be the problem", she asks in a squeaky voice.
"We think he's got alcohol poisoning", Zayn responds. She runs her eyes over Harry's pale body. The waiting room is nearly empty. "Come with me", she says.
We walk with her. She opens up a curtain. "One moment".Harry laughs when she says this. "One moment? I could die in one moment", Harry shakes his head. "Don't say that", I tell him sternly.
A woman and a man then rip the curtain open. "Can you get on the bed?", the woman asks Harry. He nods. Zayn and I help him on. He curls into a ball. "Could the two of you wait in the waiting room?" the man asks Zayn and I. I look at Harry curled up on the bed. "A nurse will give you some information to fill out", the woman says.
"Please take care of him", I look at her. Her smiles drops. She looks concerned. "Of course", she says.
Zayn grabs my wrist and pulls be out of the curtained room.
"I'll go talk to a nurse about what happened and I'll fill out the paper work. You go rest", Zayn says, pointing to a chair. "Thank you", I say to him. I walk to the waiting room and sit down, leaning my head against the wall.
If Zayn didn't come to my house we wouldn't have found Harry. I close my eyes tight, pushing the thought away.

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