"I love you, baby." whispering that, I gently kissed her forehead. It was ten minute walk to the pack house, but with my alpha speed I made it in five. Kicking the front door open, I called for John.

"Lay her down on the couch. I need to check up on her." John instructed as mom sprawled warm sheets on the couch.

I laid Ev on the couch and stood beside her, holding her hand in mine. She looked healthy but still, absolutely still.

John took good twenty minutes to examine her, he muttered something under his breath, that I couldn't catch.

"What?" frustrated from his silence, I asked.

"I need to talk to you alpha, alone." nodding, I followed him out.

"Alpha,.. she might be in shook. You revealed your truth to her, in midst of such incidents. Give her some time, she'll recover soon." he said, looking giddy, wanting to tell me something else.

"Spit it out John."

"Her stab wound healed already." he stated.

"Yeah, so?"

He shook his head before continuing. "Her stab wound was three inches deeper, and it healed unexceptionally fast."

"Cause I licked it clean." I replied, not understanding where this conversation was going.

"No, alpha. Look our Luna is a human. Human's heal much slower then us, and even when an alpha licks his human mate's wound it takes almost a day to heal." He declared.

"So, you are saying..."

"I'm saying that, maybe her body already had werewolf genes, which was suppressed till now, until your DNA awakened it, adding to it's power."

'No that's not possible.'

'It might be possible. We don't know her mother, whether she was a werewolf or not.' my wolf stated.

"I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile you..." I was interrupted by Cora whose thoughts invaded my mind.

'Sy is awake.'

'And she is asking for you, and is very very pissed.' Oliver said.

'Thanks for the confidence boost man.' I replied, rolling my eyes at him.

'Just doing my duty Alpha.' he mock saluted me as I walked in the room.

Cora and mom were helping Ev to sit up, while my pack members were worried for their Luna's condition. I quickly brushed my fingers over her injured shoulder, which was completely healed just like John said, there was only a scar, no wound.

'That's impossible.' my wolf gaped. 'It's only been two hours.'

'I know.'

'We have to talk to dad.'

'I know.'

'But first we have to talk to our mate.' my wolf said softy, knowing that we've to handle a confused and angry mate.

'I know. relax.'

I tried to lessen his agitation along with mine.  But one questioning look from Ev's eyes, crumpled my slightly increased confidence. I looked at her nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ooh, is our cutie Alpha nervous." Oliver teased, making baby faces.

"Shut up." I glared at him, which he ignored chuckling softly. Ev raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms across her chest. "You have lots of explaining to do, Gabriel."

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