Arcee X Reader

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Now before I get too far- let me just say... I think Arcee is kinda boring. Nothing against her... just she's kinda boring... like Ultra Magnus boring... so I'll try to make this fluffy but angst? Whatever you'll see.


When you first met Team Prime, you learned a lot with them and more importantly, about them. You learned that each one of them had their own story to tell and usually it ended up with someone leaving, dead, or missing. Now of course these stories weren't supposed to be used for children's bedtime stories- you knew that. But you couldn't help but wonder where these problems originated.

Where on Cybertron did things finally get out of hand? Why had they resulted to war? Exactly how many years did it take for them to exhaust their resources? Why come to earth? Why had Megatron gone from a fearless freedom-fighting leader to an insane warmonger?

These were some of the many questions you had asked all of the bots. Of course some of them were hesitant about the subject, but you quickly learned who you could and couldn't ask certain questions to. Eventually you got an answer and story out of everyone except 2 people. An answer missing from the Prime himself- and a story from Arcee.

Of course everyone knew that he and Megatron had a past after what happened with Unicron and all. So you decided it was best to start with Arcee. Although you knew that she had a hard time with her previous partners, deaths and tortures. The usual when it comes to war- but every time you mention her telling you a story about Cybertron, her eyes get a bit misty, sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a frown.

You approached her again with a bit of caution, after all you never knew how she might react to your questions. You looked up at her tall slender figure and cleared your throat.

She turned her attention towards you as she walked over to your elevated stature, you had been standing on the second level. You gave her your signature nervous smile- the one everyone knew when you wanted to ask a possibly offending question.

"Hey Arcee!" You said as she rose an opticbrow at you. "Ok I'll get straight to the point."

She smiled "Ask away kiddo." She said knowingly.

"Well I wanted to ask about Cybertron." You said a particular sparkle in your eyes. "What was it like? How did it look? Who did you know? Did you keep any friends?" You asked leaning over the railing in anticipation.

Her optics widened at the sudden burst of questions that flew from your mouth. She let out a sad chuckle and looked anywhere but you. You knew this story would have an ending that she would be hesitant to share. You looked in the direction she was before looking at your feet. Maybe it was too personal after all?

"Sorry you don't have to tell me." You said before you spoke again, as not to make her feel bad. "I know you and the other bots have had quite a ride with your war and a lot of stories contain conflicting emotions or mental scars, just as much as the physical ones."

Her optics snapped back up to you but as she opened her in-take to speak you stopped her. "I know that sometimes these little things can have big reasons behind them. Like how sometimes I hear from the others about how you rush into battle by accident. Or how you always go after Arachnid..." you said before turning your gaze towards hers. "But you know what? You don't have to face those big things alone- after all there's a reason why there are large problems and small problems. Even though they both seem different- we tend to accidentally categorize them. They're the same- their problems. And I want to help you with them." You said with one last big smile.

Arcee's optics burned into your figure, you noticed this soon enough and your gaze drifted back down again. Heat rising to your face and you scratched the back of your neck. Before you could open you talkative mouth again she placed her dermas on the top of your head with a smile.

"Thank you, (Y/n)... I appreciate that you care for me enough to. As for that story... why don't we go for a drive while I tell you it?... cause it's a pretty long story." She said as she held out her hand for you to climb into.

You jumped into her hand and she shifted into her alt-form before you had both driven off.

From then on you both knew that you weren't alone anymore... and you never needed to be ever again.


Sorry it sucked so badly, I didn't have any ideas and felt the need to publish.... I decided I would publish at least once a month because I'm never dedicated to anything and should at least not keep you waiting for 20 years lol.

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