Starscream X Reader (2)

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(Alriiiiggggghhhhttttt Before you guys go ahead and tear my head off for not updating in so fucking long- here I updated twice :) 

Your breath hitched- an autobot..? Out here? This far out? You started to internally panic, wishing for one of your friends to come to your rescue, wishing for Starscream to once again fend off another in your name. 

Of course it wasn't like you hated the autobots, but you saw just how much they had hurt so many of your decepticon comrades-that you knew that they were dangerous to you. Not to mention that they had seen you in decepticon company many times. You slowly walked in the direction away from the autobot, hand clasping over your mouth as not to make a sound. 

You eventually hid behind one of the large maple trees, crumpling down behind it as you pulled yourself closer, just a little while longer... Eventually the heavy pedesteps stopped and you let yourself breathe again- 

Although, as soon as you let out a sigh, two large blue optics shined down on you as you looked to your left and let out a loud shriek. You tried your best to crawl away but he grasped you quickly and wrapped his fingers around your waist gently. He let out beeps and whirls as you struggled to get out of his grip. 

His beeps and whirls became more urgent and eventually he just rolled his eyes, tired of trying to calm you down. So- as a solution he transformed with you in hand- your frame shifting and being tossed around so that your eventually laid within his passenger seat. It took you a moment but when you registered what had happened you began thrashing around and kicking at the muscle car's doors before he wrapped your body tightly up in his seatbelt. 

It had been about ten minutes before you had gotten tired of thrashing around and screaming for help before you ended up just sitting in the passenger seat. Bumblebee didn't seem to try and make a conversation- most likely because you wouldn't understand what he would be saying. But of course because Soundwave took a liking to you- you quickly learned Cybertronian with his aid. Of course Bumblebee didn't know this (or need to know this) so you kept your mouth shut as well. 

Eventually you both reached the autobot base. Bumblebee let out a series of beeps again before roughly throwing you out of his alt-form and transforming. You landed with a soft thud onto your backside. 

You opened your mouth to let out a small complaint to be stopped by a large pede right in front of you. Your eyes widened before you tried to scramble backwards. In all your time with the Decepticons you knew that being too close to pedes was a death wish. 

"Greetings... I see you are the human who had been seen in the decepticons' company." Said a loud baritone voice. "You are safe, there is no need to fear the decepticons here." 

You huffed and stood up. "They don't scare me, and I don't stay with them against my will." you said. 

But a thought struck you- they did hold you against their will, they threatened your life if you didn't follow their orders-  but most importantly they had shown you that even as their prisoner, you were still their friend. And that was why you felt the need to defend them. 

"Hmm... I see you have been misled- please, do tell what they have led you to believe." He said, kneeling down for you to see his red and blue paint  job. 

"They haven't mislead me at all! If anything they've told me the cold truth! I've learned all about your war." You said turning around and crossing your arms. "And I've come to my own conclusions... You both are at fault."  

Optimus' optics widened and furrowed as he looked away. "You may be right child... the Autobots and Decepticons are both at fault for the fall of Cybertron." He said, "But that does not give the Decepticons the right to hurt a species uninvolved with our conflict." 

You looked down at the floor, the Autobot leader had spoken the truth, but you remained unmoving. "Even so- if it weren't for their involvement then I wouldn't be here... finding life long friends." You said as you turned away from him. "Please send me back to the area where you found me." 

Optimus stood at his full height again. "I'm afraid we can no longer do that... As you may give away our base's position." He said with a stern look. 

"I won't!- I don't have anything against you autobots... You have my word." You said wrapping your arms around your body, in hopes you could just go back to Starscream and the others. 

Optimus looked into your worry filled eyes, taking a few moments to look into your soul and deem you safe to trust. 

"Very well... Bumblebee shall take you back to position... Ground bridge there, Bumblebee." Optimus spoke finally before he nudged you towards bumblebee and a swirling blue portal opened. 

You gave one last look back to the Autobot leader as you stepped into Bumblebee's alt-form. He gave a small and warm smile towards you before you both disappeared through the portal. He had known that you were true of heart, although he couldn't get past why someone like yourself would willingly stay in the Decepticons' presence. I suppose he'll just have to figure it out someday. 

You both arrived at the spot where you had last seen Starscream. Bumblebee had roughly flung you out of his alt-mode and rushed back to a swirling green groundbridge, throwing Cybertronian curses around and blowing smoke from his engine. 

You let out a chuckle for the childish autobot scout. Someday, when he matured, he would make a fine leader. 

And just as you looked back to where Starscream had parked, a groundbridge formed and he walked through, looking frantically for you. You stood up with a smile and walked over to him casually. 

"Human! Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere, even the pits! Damn it-" He started to ramble and stopped when you began to laugh. 

"Wh-what!? Do you think this is funny? Shockwave would have my head for your humor!" He said, his face flushing blue. 

"I love you Starscream..." you said quietly as you climbed into his alt-form and laying back, closing your eyes after a tiring day. 

And Starscream mumbled and grumbled on your ride back to the Nemesis. A small 'I love you too, fleshie.' in his words as well. 

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