Knockout X Reader

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"(Y/n)! Let's go racing sometime!" Knockout said excitedly as his optics shined down on me and Breakdown rolled his eyes.

"I dunno KO... are you sure?... you might get in trouble." I said holding back a mischievous smirk.

"But how can I not show off my finally flawless finish?!" He said as she admired himself.

You chuckled as you looked to Breakdown for and 'ok' for his friend. Breakdown sighed before nodding and you smirked.

"Alright, we can go, on one condition. If you loose I get to pick the movie tonight!" You said with an evil glint in your eyes.

The last time you had picked the movie the two other deceptions had to suffer through your favorite most cheesy movie. By now even Breakdown was desperately telling Knockout that he couldn't loose. He simply couldn't sit through another Earth movie without explosions.

You laughed evilly as you smirked up at the decepticon. "So, deal or no deal?" You said raising an eyebrow.

Knockout waved off Breakdown's inconsistent worrying and shook your hand. "Deal." He said as you both headed out to the dirt roads of Jasper, Nevada. Aka the race track...

By the time you both got to the remove track, the sun was on the horizon behind you and a bunch of other teenagers had lined up for the race. You were in the drivers seat of course, so Knockout wouldn't blow his cover and you could take the money prize- I mean you might as well if Knockout was going to win.

You smirked as you patted the dashboard. "Don't forget our little deal Knocky~!" You said chuckling darkly.

Though the decepticon said nothing back, he simply just revved his engine confidently as a familiar paint job pulled up next to you and knockout.

Bumblebee... it seemed as if he was here for a race with the Aston Martin as well... this meant that Knockout was going to have to race on a whole other level...

You gulped nervously as the seatbelt around you tightened and both the 2010 Camaro an the Aston Martin revved their engines. You opened your mouth to try and back out but the windows rolled up and the flag dropped quicker than you could look back at the road.

Knockout and Bumblebee were the first to take off and you were lucky that you only had a small whiplash from the start. You had tried to look back at the racers from the rear view mirror, but all you could see was the headlights from afar.

It seemed like both the decepticon and the autobot had planned to race for ultimate glory... again.

You gripped the leather seat as Knockout made sharp twists and turns. You had raced with knockout before, but never had he become this intense. You could feel the radiator heat up and the hum of the engine. Usually these things calmed you, but right now it just made you panic.

Knockout and bumblebee had been neck and neck for a while before they both attempted a drift and Bumblebee had gotten ahead of your Aston Martin. Before you knew it, the race was over and you were still recovering from the adrenaline. You could hear the angry roars of the engine as you placed a hand on the dashboard.

This action seemed to clam Knockout down but before you could take a second glance at Bumblebee, he sped off into the night, and Knockout rolled down his window. You turned your head to look at the figure leaning against you Aston Martin as you frowned slightly.

"Here's you prize... runner up." He said as he handed you a wad of cash and walked off with a wink at you and you simply shook your head.

After that was settled, you and knockout went out for a drive. You could feel him tense as you tucked the cash in your pocket.

"... knockout?" You asked, "are you alright."

Knockout said nothing but mumbling cybertronian curses and huffing. You simply chuckled and shook your head before Knockout came to a slow stop.

"(Y/n)..?" Knockout started, "do you want to leave?"

"Yeah, can we go home? I wanted to pick out my movie." You said nonchalantly.

"No... I mean leave leave.. as in leave the ship you dolt." Knockout said as your eyes widened.

"Why would you ever think that I wanted to leave you guys knockout? I love it here with you guys..." you said as you patted the seat next to you gingerly.

Before you knew it, Knockout had activated his holoform and pulled you into a gently hug. No words were exchanged as you hugged him back and chuckled.

"I love you too Knockout." You said as Knockout pinched your cheek.

"No one is to know about this loss, understand." He said strictly as you held your hands up.

"Alright... but remember... I'm picking the movie." You said chuckling as you winked at him and he went back to his moping in the passenger seat.


"Hey guys, back already?" Breakdown asked as you nodded.

"Yup! I'm picking the movie tonight!" You said as you picked up another sappy movie. Oh how you loved to torture your captors.

Breakdown gaped at you then at Knockout and gave him a mix of expressions before Knockout shrugged and all three of you ended up laughing the night away and making fun of the sappy movie that you had picked.

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