Chapter XXX

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Hey guys! I'm glad to say this is the last chapter of Mommy Dearest! I don't think there's going to be a sequal to this specifically! But I am already starting another Ouran High School Host Club x Reader! It may start publishing this week maybe if I have the dedication to do so! But I also want to take a break from Ouran High School Host Club and focus on other fan fictions I've been meaning to do! Like Harry Potter because I'm super lame and deleted my old fan fiction.

Anyways, enjoy the last chapter!
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8 years later..

December 25

     You and Kyoya have been through a lot together. You've been through high school together and college together. You both graduated before summer started. Kyoya offically hasn't offically taken over the Ootori Business but once Yoshio Ootori decides it's time for him to retire he will give the company to him.

  You were living with your parents again, and you haven't seen Kyoya for a couple of weeks because you and your parents were on a mission of illegal tea bags stored in the Ootori Ships in Korea, that were being shipped into Japan. Your family had to investigate. It was christmas eve and you were invited to the Ootori Christmas Party as you and your family are every year ever since you started to be with Kyoya. Your mom has been itching you to have a child with Kyoya. She wanted a grandchild so badly by now. She wasn't that old but she managed to convince herself that she was. Being on the plane for over an hour was exhausting so you took a nap.

  "Welcome to Japan.." said the pilot.

You wake up and rub your eyes looking out the window to see your home. You landed in the airport and got your things and walked off the plane with your family. You all managed to walk through the airport and behold there was a limo waiting for you. You giggled, you and your family got into the car and sped off to your house.

  "(Y/n), make sure you're going to get ready for Kyoya's party we must not be that late. Unlike last year." Your mom shouted from downstairs.

"That was because of that mission with the FBI." You replied

She didn't reply back.

You haven't told Kyoya you landed yet, you thought this would be a good way of surprising him. You opened the closet seeing a beautiful red ruby dress and a note from Kyoya. Your heart just melted.

  'Please wear this tonight love.'

You giggled thinking about blowing him away. You were excited to see your friends and family all in one building again it was your favorite time of the year. Ever since you joined Kyoya the Ootori family started to be more family oriented. It was a big accomplishment for you since you knew how Yoshio used to be.

  You got ready wearing the formal dress and met with your parents downstairs.


Kyoya's Pov

   "Have you heard from (y/n)?" I asked Fuyumi she was decorating with tree with mother. She shook her head.

"Don't get so worked up on it Kyoya, she's gonna come." She replied reasuring me.

"I'm just nervous." I admitted then walked away going into the balcony.

  It's been years I've been waiting for this night to happen, I was going to ask her to marry me last year but it was our last year in college so we were busy for a wedding. So why not after college I thought. I don't get why it's so hard, I think I want to do in a private or I can do it with everyone around. I just wanna rip it like a bandaid that's for sure but she works me up.

  I look down in the maze and hear the door open behind me.

"What's wrong little brother?" Asked Akito.

I sighed, "well you know I'm going to ask her to marry me." I replied

He laughed at me, "Do you need advice?"

I nod slowly, Akito asked a girl to marry him but she rejected him because she was pregnant with another man's baby while he was in medical school. I've never seen him so heart broken like that. It was very unexpected, but what was expected is that she was cawling back to him wanting child support because we had the money. Luckily he got over it by the time she came back.

   "Well here's what you do, you have to make sure you truely want this. Then think about how you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person. And make sure you are sure about this. Make sure little brother you are sure." He said with no emotion

  After all the years of asking questions about my academics and clubs because he never did clubs, I can finally say Akito is finally warming up to me.

He walked back inside the house while I just grow confidence that I'm going to marry her.


At the Party..

   Everyone was having the time of their lives, everyone childern were in a group of their own. Tamaki and Haruhi has a child together, Mori had a son and a daughter, Hikaru had one girl, and Kaoru has one boy and one girl that were twins and Honey- Senpai had a boy who looked more mature than him.

   Everyone grew up, it was very refreshing to see everyone enjoying themselves. Kyoya was more worried than others though. Until he saw (y/n) walk in with her parents. She rushes up to him and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. Their atmosphere was a loving one, they're love was always electric when they were with each other. Their parents were talking about the future with them whole Kyoya and (y/n) were making their way to the host club.

   "MOMMY!", cried out Tamaki hugging Kyoya tightly Kyoya squeezed him back rolling his eyes but new that he was always going to be 'mommy' to Kyoya.

"Daddy, not infront of the wife.." Kyoya said whispering looking at Haruhi. Haruhi rolled her eyes and looked over at (y/n), "somethings just don't change."

"Hi (y/n)-Chan!", Honey leaped onto her back and hugged her, he was still small and adorable as ever while everyone ages at least a little.

"We've missed everyone!" Said the twins at the same time. It seems like nothing as really changed.

   Finally everyone gathered at the main dinning room getting a seat anf socializing, eventually after everyone ate there was a lot of conversation among the table until it was Kyoya's time to do what he has to do.

He stood up kinda clumsy like, and tapped his wine glass. "May I have everyone's attention please.." he said looking at everyone. Everyone's eyes laid upon him as he stood up. "I'd like for thanking everyone attending, itself a pleasure to host this event once again. But without my girlfriend (y/n) this gathering of friends and family wouldn't happen. For she changed a lot in my family and friends. And mostly me. She has changed my life for the better I must admit, I don't think I truely loved someone like I loved her." He looked right into her eyes and made her stand up, he took her hand smiling and went down on one knee. "I know this is a very late proposal. But (y/n) (y/l/n), will you please marry me?"

She looked into Kyoya's eyes and smiled so big, screaming, "YES YES!"
They hugged and shared and kiss everyone in the dinning room was cheering and clapping.

And they lived happily ever after..

Mommy Dearest (Kyoya x Fem Reader) #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now