Chapter I -

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     It all started when you were probably 10. You always notice your parents going away in a pattern like a system. But then you realized they worked more than normally day by day. Even some of your neighbors in the neighborhood had the same jobs as one another. You couldn't really understand it at the time that all the adults in your neighborhood weren't so normal. Everyone on the block involved in the Ootori secret police force. You knew the name Ootori because that was the name of your doctor. As you grew older your eyes opened to something more. You noticed the older kids getting involved or going away for a couple of days coming back as if they were ready to protect. Their characteristics were very eye-opening, stronger, pale, strict, ready and alert.

    Once you turned 16, your parents came to your room and explained that you had to go to a police academy. "Honey, I know we haven't told you this but, we are actually in a secret police force under the order of the Ootori group. I'm sure you heard of them." Says your father. You look at one then the other. "Of course I know them. They're very rich and we've known them for a long time, they gave us housing when we couldn't afford anything" you said to them. "Well baby, our job is to protect them and this whole family with all-cause from the enemies of them," says, your mother trying to explain more to you. You kinda pause for a while wondering why they need a secret police force to protect them at all times. "..What kind of evil?". You ask.
"We actually don't know we haven't had news in a while. I think it's better not to know. Will you please do it?" Your father pleaded. You nod and sigh, "So when will I be leaving?"

"Tomorrow," They both said.

This shuttle took you and kids from your age group to a sight in the middle of an area, you woke up in the sight of this. Your droopy eyes were turning into emotions of curiosity on what could happen next for you here in this boot camp. There was no way of turning back now you thought. Once you got off the shuttle you were separated into groups of 10 and were introduced a squad leader. Your squad leader has a military-like uniform and a tight bun that was closer to her neck. She stood up tall and proud look at us like new meat to eat off of. Her grey eyes looked at all of us and she smirked, "I'm going to turn you scrubs into the strongest group that all the other groups will fear you once you step into the dining hall when the sun falls ". She sounded determined, "I was given the best of the best, if you slack up we shall pick you up as a team that's what makes us stronger. To work as a team, a family." She grinned and looked up at everyone and began to lead us to our housings.

Authors Note: Well here I am writing again! I'm glad you guys have come back for more x reader fanfictions. If you're new here please follow my profile to receive updates about future stories as well as add this to your library for more to come. I sure hope you enjoy this! This is just the beginning of something amazing I promise.

Mommy Dearest (Kyoya x Fem Reader) #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now