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Dan turned off the phone and quickly turn around to only swing a painful punch towards the side of my mouth.
I turned to the side due to the amount of force given from the punch. I coughed and spit out blood, I watched as my own blood come out of my mouth. I was triggered yet, I think of why am I being tied up for, or why am I even suffering for someone who I know I will never get.

'Why?' I think I to myself as I feel my eyes hear up from the tears. My heart clenched on me, I flinched.

" why am I so stupid?" I weakly mouthed... no sound, just me crying silently.

My lips started to quiver as they parted... I can feel my dry lips cracking as I sob quietly.

What happened to that strong girl I knew a long time ago? What happened to the cold girl? Why did I have to encounter such a man in my life? Why am I such a coward? Even my own feelings betrayed me, my own beating heart refused to listen to my brain... and this is the consequences.

" when did I become so easy?" I cried silently as if I lost my voice... I can see the blood dripping from my lips...

Dan smirked at my form and within a snap of his fingers I hear a door open.
With my tired eyes and my lost for words, I hear a familiar voice.

" let go of me!" A female voice echoed through the dark building.

" my boyfriend will kill you if he finds you!" She struggled.

I couldn't see her face but I can lightly see her figure. The room was lightly dimmed so I couldn't see her face but judging from her voice, I have definitely heard her before.

" yah!" She yelled. Then I heard a wooden chair squeak as I see her figure rocking back and forth like a madwoman.

My head was already not for it... My guts tell me something... it's telling me that this person is bad.... I just get a bad vibe.

" hello beautiful" Dan walked over to her and pulled a lamp light that was over her.

As soon as I saw who it was, my heart sunk.

I'm guessing she didn't see me, because I was tied up in the dark. While the light was above her.

" let me go you creep!" She spat.

"Shut up" he slapped her face making her squeak.

Then she started to cry.

" are you going to kill me!?" She yelled.

" no." He plainly answered.

She somewhat looked more relaxed.

" I'm going to kill jungkook" he grinned.

" no!" She yelled.

" don't hurt him!" She screamed.

It honestly hurts to much to see the girl that he loved care about him, when you loved him twice as much.

" aish!" He raised his hand to hit her as she flinched.

" stop" I weakly  whispered.

She heard me and widen her eyes.

" what was that!" She was startled.

He smirked and went over to me. He turned on the light above me..

I closed my eyes as I see the light radiating against my eyes.

I heard her gasp.

" y-you monster!" She shouted at him.

He only laughed.

" l-let her go" I weakly whisper. I didn't have the voice to speak.

" what was that babe?" He leaned in closer to my mouth.

I'll wait...✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora