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Hoseok's pov~

It was in the afternoon when I called noona. But she didn't answer. I called her again but she didn't pick up. I was starting to get worried. This morning when I went over to her house to check on her before I have to go to America. I had check in the house already and no sign of noona. I had this weird, unsettled vibe when I saw jungkook and jinso pass by in the morning. Jungkook didn't have a shirt on and he looked messy, also I heard her scolding him and threatening him if he ever did it again.

Now I'm currently calling her again... I'm really starting to get worried. Is she at her friend's house? No. She doesn't have friends. I decided to call jimin. It took two rings until he picked up.

" sup." He answered.

" hey. Have you seen my sister?" I asked hoping that he saw her around buying clothes. .

" mmm nope. Why? Did she ditch you again?" He asked laughing.

" No. She's not home yet and I'm getting worried. It's almost dark and she hates being out when it's dark, especially alone." I started to bite my nails.

" really? When was she gone?" He asked.

" this morning I came to check on her but there was no sign of her anywhere." I sighed holding my head as I pace back and forth.

" woah. Where could she had gone?" He asked.

" hey can you help me call her?" I asked.

" of course! I will call you after" he said and hung the phone. 

I tried calling her again but it was her stupid voicemail greeting me every time. It was already 10pm and there was no sign of her. I was dead-ass scared. I was worried.

I remembered that she had talked to jungkook for a while. I ran out the door and stood outside his door. I knocked on the door and it opened.

Jungkook stood there with messy hair still and had fresh hickeys  down his throat... wow I'm here worrying about my sister while these two fuck each other senseless.

" hey dude." He said.

" hey have you seen noona?" I asked as I see his body tense.

He coughed and looked away.

" Why?" He asked.

" she's not home. And she never goes out late." I pouted.

His eyes widen.

" what?" He whispers to himself.

" she's not back?" He spoke to himself.

Of course he had to admit that he is worried.

" have you seen her?!" I asked holding my phone up to my ear dialing her number again.

He only stare at me with big eyes and his lips parted.

Yooni's pov~

My head was hurting with a excruciating pain that didn't seem to die down. I let out a whimper as I felt my arms in pain when I tried to touch my head. I slowly blinked my eyes open.... I felt very tired, as if someone just sucked the life out of me. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move, because every time I did, it was as if someone shocked me to the max. I couldn't handle it.

" Argh!" I bit my lip as I felt my leg rip up into pieces.

Tears well up in my eyes as I glance down to only see my arms and legs tied up with barb-wire.... my skin was peeling up ... I didn't have the energy to yell or scream for help... a little feeling inside of me made me feel like maybe...  This is for the best...maybe I should just disappear...

My head hung low, my breathing was hard. My lips were dry and my head ache... My heart.... ached... I could still recall his painful words he carelessly threw out. It was like I was ducking in venom... It was slowly killing me... and I'm not doing a thing to stop it.

" oh. Good. Seems like your awake." A familiar voice ringed through my ears making my head hurt even more. I slowly lifted my head up to see.

"Dan..." My voice came out in a whisper.....

" hey baby" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

" baby you don't look too good" he came closer to me and held my chin up to see him.

He looked into my eyes and smirked...

" he broke you pretty bad" he sighed...

Was it that obvious....

He stood up and walked towards a table. He grabbed his glasses and clicked the sides. He laughed and walked back to me.

He lifted my chin up again,but more harsh making me close my eyes in pain. My brain shook and it hurt badly.

" wah. . So beautiful.." He whispered in awed.

My eyes barely opening...

" Stop it...." My shallow voice shook.

" what did you say baby girl?" He leaned in with his ear.

" fuck. Off." I spat.

He laughs.

I scoffed.

" you know... if only I had met you before he did. This would have never happen." He spoke as He gaze over my chin with his cold finger.

I have given up... all care matters that is related to my life. .. gone. I just want to disappear.

" maybe..." I started basically swallowing blood.

He leaned in and looked at me in anticipation.

I looked up and all you can see in my eyes was pain....

" darkness is following me for a reason.....

Maybe ...

I'm never meant for happiness"

I'll wait...✅Where stories live. Discover now