Chapter 28

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~2 weeks later~

It's been two weeks since Anna has last spoken to Jack at the hospital. Two weeks of nothing but awkward silences and glares across rooms. Not the least bit healthy at all.

Luckily for Jonah, Julia, and Olivia they haven't had to witness the conflict because Rena, Kaylee, and Anna bought them a small little starter home not too far from the boys house or the girls house. It was fully decorated and had the nursery to their little newborn baby girl.

After lots of consideration Anna decides to finally end the silence. She texted him to meet her at the cafe near their house. He obliged and left on his way. As Jack hears the ring of the cafe door opening as he enters his eyes fall on Anna. Sitting in a chair sipping her tea and reading something on her phone. He sees the girl that he was once so perfect with, until he messed up again. The girl that he knows he will never stop loving, but will also have to set free because he also knows she deserves better.

He finally makes it over to her and her sparkly blue eyes flicker up at him as he sits across from her.

"So...why'd you wanna meet up?" He asks her.

"I need to say what I need to say, because if I don't now than I never will" Anna replies looking down.

"I understand" He answers nodding his head lightly.

"Jack Avery. I have loved you since the day I became partners with you in science class back in high school" she begins.

"I loved you every single day I was k-kidnapped, when I returned, when I go to sleep, when I wake up. Every moment of every day I spend loving you with everything I have, so when you go off on tour and fool around with other girls you know what I was doing? Waiting by my cellphone to hear you call me to tell me how your day went. I was waiting patiently for you to come back to me with just as much love as when you left. And it feels like you came back with none of the love you left with. It hurt me Jack. You have no idea how much it hurt me. If this was the first time I guarantee you that I would be more lenient because that is the type of person I am. I give out second chances like pieces of gum and you don't even register that what you're doing is affecting more than just yourself Jack. It hurts me, my friends, your friends, and it hurts you" she pauses, collecting her self and wiping a few stray tears off her face.

"I don't know why you did it and quite frankly I don't care. I will always love you Jack, and it's killing me that I wasn't enough for you. But that's how life it I guess" She sighs taking a sip of her tea.

"Annabeth Marriot I will love you 'till the end of time, and you deserve so much more than I could ever give you. If I went back in time I would've done so many things differently. The thing at the highschool party that ended up not only breaking us up but getting you kidnapped breaks my heart. When you came back and I didn't talk to you because I thought that it was the best thing for us at the time kills me. the fact that when you left I never said goodbye, makes me want to scream. And now because I went around and kissed another girl. I know I don't deserve one but if you could just give me a second ch-" he gets interrupted

"Are you kidding me Jack? Not only would this be your fifth second chance, but why would I. You don't even get it do you. Grow up Jack, educate yourself, understand what I go through. And when you do, you can call me and give me a real apology. I would truly love to be with you, but I can't do this to myself anymore" she sighs as she gets out and leaves the cafe in a rush.

"I love you princess" he sighs under his breath, remembering the nickname he gave her in that science classroom years before. He smiles one last time, but it turns to sadness. He just lost the girl he loves again, and this time he won't get her back.

As her rushed feet click against the pavement, she runs right into someone knocking herself down onto the ground and spilling tea all over her shirt.

"I am so sorry are you alright?" A man says as he picks the fallen girl off the floor.

"Yeah im fine, sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" She answers embarrassed.

"It's no problem, you want me to buy you another drink? The cafe is just down the street" he asks

"Actually I can't... I have somewhere I need to be" she lies


"But if it's fate, we'll meet again" She says as she walks to her car.

When she sits down in her seat, tears begin poring out of her blue eyes. She then pulls out her phone and texts a quick message. Then she starts the car and drives home wiping away any stray tears. She knows she can't and won't leave again, Anna has too much in her life to just drop it and disappear. California's her home and she can't leave without kissing goodbye everything she loves.

She'll try her best to forget about Jack, and live her life the best she can.

"I love you Jack, but I can't live a lie. If it's fate and we truly are meant to be than that is how it will be. But for now I need to focus on myself and figure out what I need. Until then, have a wonderful life. And maybe...just maybe. I'll find my way Back to You"

Back To You //Sequel to Bad Influence Where stories live. Discover now