Ch. 23

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All three of us rush to my car and I speed out of the driveway towards the hospital while Julia and Kaylee call Daniel and the rest of the boys to tell them that Rena is finally out of a coma. I didn't know I was crying until I was wiping the tears off of my face.

Rena is coming back, I hope this isn't some mistake or mix up and when we get there she is still in a coma. I don't think I could ever recover from that. Rena has been such a big part of my life since before I even met Jack, Kaylee, and the other boys. It was just Corbyn and Rena with me since the start. I couldn't just let that go.

We finally make it to the hospital while Julia waddles behind with her swollen pregnancy feet. Kaylee checks with the front desk lady to let us in while I help Julia catch up.

Daniel's POV~ two days earlier

"Yo Jack, you coming to the after party yet?" I yell to him from the hallway backstage into the dressing room where Jack had been for quite some time. I finish tying my shoes that a fan had brought me at a recent meet and greet. Our fans are the best, we are all very blessed to have them in the why don't we family.

I don't hear a response so I walk toward the room, the door is cracked and light was shining into the dark hallway from the room I assumed Jack was. I lightly push on it to walk in.

My jaw drops. Jack is laid on the couch with his toung down one of the fans throat. I get a sudden urge to scream at him and bash his head into a wall but I need to keep my cool.

We are going to have a big talk later.

"Jack" I say sharply. He practically falls of the couch when he heard my voice.

"You got fans to meet in 5. Don't be late" I scold as I roll my eyes and walk away. I can't believe this is happening again! Hasn't Anna been through enough? He cheated once and she forgave him, he should still be asking for forgiveness for the first time.

Pardon my French but, this is fucked up...

The entire party I glare at Jack. What a piece of crap. How low can he be? I haven't always been the closest with Anna but I know for a fact she deserves way better than him. I mean she gave me her car when she left because I made a joke about wanting it for my birthday once! She is one of the nicest people I've ever met, she deserves so much more.

If Rena knew about this she would be halfway down here by now.

If only she could. I miss my babygirl so much. It's been too long since I've kissed those lips, or touched her skin. Since I've gotten lost in those beautiful eyes. My world is gone without her in it.

~3 Days later, 1 hour before Rena wakes up

I've kept my mouth shut about Jack. I don't want anyone else to know Anna and Jack's business so I will tell her when I get back. I think Jack believes that I am going to keep it from her because I haven't told anyone yet, the hell I am. I couldn't keep that from her.

I decide that I need to talk to Jack. We're on our way to put next venue so we have time.

"Hey Jack, can we talk" I ask him, the other boys are on the other end if the bus playing video games so they can't hear a thing.

"Uh, sure" he says as he walks towards me and sits down on the couch a couple seats over from mine.

"What the hell was that in the dressing room Jack" I whisper yell at him.

"It was nothing" he says as he brushes it off. Lord Jesus give me strength or I will murder this child.

"Yeah I'm sure that's what Anna's going to think too. You making out with a random girl is something Jack. It's called cheating, and its a real dick move on your part after all she's done to fix your relationship-"

"Our relationship is none of your business Daniel" he says as he starts to walk away.

"This isn't some game, do you want her to move away again? Because if I remember. She left because of you" I say a little louder so he can hear me.

He comes running back in with rage behind his eyes. "You take that back" he yells with a finger pointed at me.

"You know it's true don't even deny it" I yell back at him.

"Could you just commit to a relationship. It's not that hard, yet you manage to fuck it up right as it was getting good" I yell again.

"Don't you think I know that Daniel? I know I messed up. I know I am messed up. I know she deserves better than I could ever give her. I know everything" he says as he walks away.

"Self pity won't help you out. You cheated on Annabeth Marriot. You knew what was going to happen, so don't be surprised if she dumps your ungrateful ass" I roll my eyes and turn back to the wall.

How does he manage to fuck up this bad all the time. What's wrong with him?

My thoughts are interrupted by a phone call by Julia. Is the baby coming early? Why is she calling me?

"Daniel?" I hear on the other line. It's Julia sounding like she had just cried a river.

"Are you okay Is something wrong" I ask her calmly.

"I-its Rena" she says. Oh no. Please don't be what I think you're about to say to me.

"Rena woke up and were on the way to the hospital" she says, I can practically hear her smiling through the phone.

My baby is back.


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