Ch. 22

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I look over my desk which is now covered in papers, notes, phone numbers, and data sheets. Being organized is overrated.

I checked my bank account. It's doing fabulous of course, but it's less than it once was. That needs to be fixed asap.

I call my miracle worker/ angel in person/ manager, Harper. And get to. Business.

"Hey Harper, it's been a while since I've needed you to work another miracle in my favor but...guess what time it is!"

"I'm guessing you need a miracle in you favor?" She responds monotone and lowkey depressing.

"Tú estás correcto!" I say. I took Spanish in high school but I haven't practiced in a while.

"Yay me, what do you need" Harper says

"I want to take back the family buisiness" I say proudly.

I hear her spit out some thing violently. Like a spit take. And a breathe in.

"You want to what?!" She nearly screams.

"You heard me" I roll my eyes, she can't see me but she probably knows

"May I ask why" she responds  calming down.

"I can keep living life as a trust fund baby. It's not right for me, it's not right for the family and you know it. Dance gets me what, 80? 90,000 a year? Just check the account it's gone significantly down. If I keep going like this it's going to drop another 0 by 2019." I respond.

"Well I see you have done your research. But taking over the business is a lot more than you can handle" she wearily replies.

"I know I haven't been 100%. And I may not know how to run a business, however I've seen it been done. I watched my dad all the time. He taught me the key points of how to run a business smoothly, and if you didn't know. I'm really good at math. I realize I probably look like a deer in headlights but I need this. Not only for myself, but for my parents. They deserve someone they trust to take back what they made" I explain to her.

She is silent, like she is thinking of what to say in response to the extensive over explained life story I had just told her.

"You start training Friday" she sighs.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!!" I exclaim. I can't believe this is really happening!

"Yeah yeah, see you in a couple days" she huffs, she sounds angry but I can tell that she is smiling through the phone. She isn't as cold hearted as she sounds.


I just got off the phone with Jack who is in Nashville, Tennessee right now. I am unbelievably proud of him and the rest of the boys. Not to toot my own horn but I bet that when we wrote that song for a project in high school I bet is had something to do with how far they've come now...But Hey. Just an opinion.

He is doing great, Daniel however is not. Jack tells me that he hasn't been himself since Rena got into the crash. But none of us really have, Rena is such a big part of our life and the thought of letting her go one day, sooner than we thought we would, is a lot to take in.

Jonah is a little anxious about the baby Marais that will be bouncing around in a couple months. But any new father would.

Corbyn apparently met this girl on one of his live streams and from what I hear they are texting each other now. I don't remember her name, Christine? Crystal? I don't remember but I hope she is nice enough for my little bean.

I told Jack about everyone's depressing life here. No one to turn to or talk to. Just silence most of the time. I hadn't realized it until now, but Kaylee hasn't spoken since the night after the accident. Not a peep in weeks. Speaking of weeks Julia is 34 weeks. This baby is coming sooner rather than later. Every week that goes by you can clearly see the insanity take a toll on her.

As for me, my training for business is going better than Harper had imagined so I may have the Marriot hotel chain back in my hands.

I donated one million dollars to Rena's non profit foster care foundation so when she wakes up she will have a nice surprise. God I miss Rena.



Kaylee and I exit our rooms to head to where the screaming was coming from.

There at the bottom of the stairs was a huge preggo Julia with her arms crossed and a very irritated face.

"You understand? Stop being so quiet! I get it, it's sad Rena's in the hospital but we can't shut down our own life because of it, that's now what Rena would be wanted. So stop missing me off with he silence and talk already!" Julia yells as she walks into the kitchen to probably eat some weird pregnancy craving.

I was right. She got a tub of the crunchy peanut butter and takes a glob of it and eats it. Pregnant girl eating globs of peanut butter, very lady-like I must say.

We all three sit down and have a long awaited conversation. It feels like we haven't talked in months, it feels nice to have them back.

As we discuss who the hottest marvel character is, my phone rings. I take it out to see the hospital. I show the screen to the other girls and they go silent. This could be the best or worse news of our life.

I answer the phone "Hi, is this Anna Marriot?" The person on the other end asks.

"This is s-she" I respond trembling.

"Rena's awake"

Back To You //Sequel to Bad Influence Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt