Ch. 2

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"Now the minutes feel like hours, and the hours feel like days, while I'm away. You know right now I can't be home. But I'm coming home soon, coming home soon."

~Bruno Mars: Long Distance

《5 months ago》

Sunday October 23, 2016

Once again I wake to the sounds of the busy city with a smile on my face. I take a quick shower and get ready for dance.

"Bye Nina, I'll bring home Chinese for dinner okay?" I yell from my kitchen grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"That's fine, bye Anna" she yells back from the living room couch. I pick up my bag from the counter, grab my keys, and walk out of our apartment. I lock the door behind me and walk down the hallway to the elevator.

Upon arrival to the dance institute I immediately get into 'serious anna' mode. Working can be fun, but that isn't what this job was designed for. This job is to test my limits, let me teach and encourage others to use new and innovative ways to express themselves through dance, to push me to be the best version of myself. And in order to do that, I take this very seriously.

(A/n pretend Anna choreographed the video on the top)

They finish up the routine and the music stops.

"You did amazing girls, next class is a new dance so be prepared" I say packing up my things into my bag.

"Yes coach" they say saluting sarcastically.

"Bye girls" I laugh rolling my eyes exiting the room with my things hung over my shoulder. I hop in a cab and head to a Chinese takeout place not to far from home. After ordering and waiting for the food I get a call from Nina.

*call convo*

"Hey Nina, you okay?"

"Umm yes..I just got a call from my agent and you need to come home asap" Nina says with a clear state of worry or nervousness in her voice.

"I am at the Chinese place right now I will be home in under 30 minutes. Is that okay?" I respond, still confused at why she is so eager to get me home.

"Yeah-yes yes. That is fine. See you soon Anna"

"Okay see yo-" I get cut off by her hanging up. What is going on with her?

I take the food and hop in ANOTHER cab. Sometimes I miss my beautiful Ferrari, but I bet Daniel is keeping it safe. I mean I hope he is, the car may not legally be mine anymore but I will physically injure Daniel if he damages that car.

I pay the cab driver and hop out with many things in my hands. In one arm in my abnormally heavy dance bag. And in the other is Chinese food that could possibly spill at any moment. This freaking takeout is like a ticking time-bomb, but you dont understand. I would do anything for food because food is life and no one can deny that.

I successfully make it to the door of my apartment without dropping the food OR face-planting by the weight of my bag.

I walk into the apartment and set my things onto the kitchen counter. I enter the living room to find Nina pacing the floor murmuring to herself.

"Nina, what's happening are you okay?" I ask putting my hands on her shoulders forcing her to stop pacing around like a delirious mental patient.

"Oh Anna, I didn't see you there" she says as she squinted her eyes closed and shook her head quickly, like she was shaking away her stress.

"Is everything alright? You seem... troubled to say the least" I state with evident indications of concern. Nina sure knows how to worry me that's for sure.

"No, um yes, uh I dont know, Anna I need help what do I do?" Nina pleads with her hands running through her dirty blonde hair. She goes back to pacing around.

"Neens, you gotta slow down and breath for a second okay" I calmly state as I bring her into a hug. "Now tell me what has been stressing you out darlin" I say rubbing circles on her back.

"Well, I auditioned for a big part in a really big TV show and...I got it..." she says with little to no emotion behind her voice.

"That's great! Right? Isnt this a good thing?" I question her.

"Usually I would be overjoyed with being given such an amazing opprotunity...but not when it films in Georgia" she says sadly, now I understand her anxiety towards this situation.

"I-I got a part in Stranger freaking Things and I can't even bare to be excited about it because I don't want to be away from you for that long" she cries as she turns away covering her eyes.

"Nina Felicity Marriot look at me right now" I say calmly yet sternly so she listens. "If you think for one second that I will let you pass up the opportunity to be on Stranger Things you have are mistaken. Do you know what this could do for your career?" I start, it takes me a solid 10 minutes until I am done ranting about how she needs to go to Georgia. She is going to be freaking Nancy Wheeler! How could she pass this up?

"Okay okay okay! Ill go, will that make you shut up?" She laughs.

"Yes, yes it will girlie" I say winking at her jokingly.

(A/n I STILL cringe at the word 'wink')

We discuss over dinner what we are going to do. Stranger Things doesnt start filming until late February so we still have a couple months until she has to actually leave. I decided to rent an apartment for Nina down in Georgia while she films there. We discuss our futures and what we eventually want to do until our conversation was interrupted by a phone call from my manager, Harper. I interrupt Nina and apologize but I need to answer the phone.

"Harper, do you need anything?" I say sweetly.

"Yes Ms. Marriot, we have an offer to make. How would you like to work for Atlantic Records and choreograph music video's for them?"

"Y-you mean like the ACTUAL Atlantic Records? As in Ed Sheeran and Camila Cabello, and Cardi B, and Rita Or-"

"Yes, yes we do mean the ACTUAL Atlantic Records, just calm down and stop naming everyone on the Atlantic Record label okay? Okay." Says the very smart and amazing Harper freaking Williams.

"O-okay umm if I say y-yes what does that mean for me?" Do I have to move to wherever it is Atlantic Records is. Or do I do it from NY? I am thoroughly confused in what this means.

"Well you would have to move to Los Angeles so you are able to choreograph the celebrities near there HQ" she says. Oh my word..Los Angeles? I can't just say no..can I? I mean I would be a total hypocrite if I stayed. Like, remember that 10 minute speech I gave Nina? Now that is slightly coming back to bite me.

"But don't worry hun, the contract doesn't start until your 19th birthday has passed. So um-" she pauses

"End of March, got it" I say reminding her of my birthday.

"Yes yes, Your contract starts near the end of March. So is that a yes?"

"That is a definite yes"

Im going to Los Angeles in 5 months.

Oh no.

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