Ch. 21

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I have been broken yet again. One of my best friends is in a coma and may never wake up. I need her to come back to me. We transported her to a local hospital in LA so she is closer. I visit every day, hoping that the next time I visit, the doctor will give us good news. But it's always the same. I walk into the cold hospital room and see Rena lying on the bed, wires and tubes connected every which way. And the beep of her heart, over and over. The eerie silence interrupted by the noise of her beating heart. But she just lays there. Doesn't move, or speak but I continue to visit in hopes that one day she'll wake up. The boys went on tour, it took a lot of convincing to make Daniel go. They almost canceled the tour all together, but their manager didn't allow them to do so.  The house is quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Kaylee doesn't leave her room and Julia is too focused on helping others to deal with her grief. She claims it how she deals with things but it's not healthy. She needs to put her mental health in front of her patients for once and deal with what she needs to deal with. Maybe once Rena comes back everyone will go back to normal.

I walk outside into my backyard. Regular clothes and shoes still on. I get into the pool. I hold my breath. I hold it for too long. I sink lower and lower. Black fuzzy clouds block my vision. Slowly. Slowly. Gone. I see nothing but my own life, flashing in front of me. My mess of a life. My failure of a life. I should be where Rena is. She doesn't deserve this. I do.
I feel a burning in my throat, like a fire is melting me from the inside out. If I hadn't been drowning in this water, I would be drowning in my own tears.

I'm cold and all I see is darkness. I cannot tell whether I'm dying or passing out. But as of now I don't care which.
As long as the pain stops.

As long as it all just stops.


White light invades the peaceful darkness that had consumed me. Am I in heaven? Who am I kidding, if I was going anywhere I was going to hell for what I have done.

My vision becomes clearer. I take in my surroundings. An all white room, well it seems to be more of a space than a room. I see a white marble floor, but there are no walls or a ceiling. Just white, that seems to be going on forever. I look around, I see three figures walking towards me. I would run but I feel safe. They won't hurt me. I close my eyes and open them again. Three people stand before me with smiles on their face.

My father.

My mother.

And my brother.

I feel hot tears stream down my face. I engulf all three into a massive hug.

"Hush child" my mother whispers.

"I-i missed you so much" I whimpered back, my tears now soaking my dad's shirt.

"We know, we have been watching you the entire time" my dad replies while stroking the back of my head calming me down.

"Yeah we even saw you when you ate a tub of ice cream and used Nina's breakup as an excuse" Matt tells me.

"7 years and you still annoy the crap out of me" I laugh while turning to him, giving him a big hug.

"You love it Beth" he laughs. I laugh back at him.

"You can read my mind Matty" I remind him. I missed them so much, it's been so long since the event that I barely think about them anymore. I never truly dealt with the loss of my family because as soon as it happened I had to cope with the kiddnapping. I never got closure.

"Am I dead?" I asked them.

"No, your not" My dad answers me.

"Am I alive?" I asked.

"Not entirely" my dad replies.

"Than what's happening to me" I ask all of them again. All of these questions with no real answers.

"We are in a place, with no real name. It works like a door way, and you are right under it. You take a step back, and you are back to where you once were, down there. You take a step forward and you move on to the next phase" my mother says to me.

"The next...phase?" I question her.

"Honey...if you take a step forward into the next phase, you can never take a step back. Once you're gone, you're gone forever" she replies looking down.

"You are saying that if I stay here with you, I die and can never go back aren't you" I reply, but my voice cracks and is barely audible. But apparently, they all heard me.

"Yes" they say in unison.

I can either choose to step back and leave them all again. Or I take a step forward and I can stay with them forever....But I can go back to my friends and Jack and Nina.

I have to choose. My family up here, or my family down there.

I take my step and fall, fear paralyzing my body as I continue my downfall. I wish I had the chance to tell them goodbye. They are so important to me, but I think they know that in their hearts even if I never got to say goodbye.

I start to feel the drowning again, the coughing only brings more water in. I swim up higher and higher until I finally reach the surface and cough put the water that has been suffocating me for longer than I can imagine.

I need to make the best of my choice.

I need to make my family up there proud of me while I'm with my family down here.

I need to make a difference, and it starts today.



Okay that was a little much, none of you are hoes. Did you like it? Tell me what you think. Did you agree with Anna's choice? What is she going to do now that she has seen her life from a different pov.

Find out next chapter of Keeping Up With The Wayhoes (<inside joke btw)

Back To You //Sequel to Bad Influence Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon