Ch. 4

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"As I write this letter, send my love to you. Remember that I'll always be in love with you. Treasure these few words till we're together. Keep all my love forever"

~The Beatles: P.S. I Love You

Monday December 25, 2017
Christmas Day 8:00am

I wake up in my actual bed this time. Not on the balcony, after having a dream about Corbyn coming to suprise me and to be woken up by Nina shaking me. This time I wake up to Nina jumping on my bed like an 8 year old. I should've known this was going to happen of course, knowing Nina this is a very "Nina-ish" thing to do. She may be 16 years old, but that does not determine the age she acts. To be completely honest, she usually acts like the 8 year old that is currently jumping on my bed. But that is completely fine with me, she is my little sister how could I not love her for her childish antics?

"Nina I will push you off of this bed uf you dont stop jumping on me" I grumble into my pillow attempting to block out the sun peeking through my windows burning holes through my eyes.

"If you pushing me off the bed will get you up I will happily fall" she says gleefully prancing around in circles all over my bed continuing to annoy me.

"Okay fine fine I am up you happy?" I say flailing my arms in defeat.

"Finally, I though you were as dead as you look right now. Those eye bags are not a good look for you hun" she snickers as she looks me up and down.

I grab my pillow and chuck it at her face. Nina looses her balance and falls off of the bed onto the floor.

"HEY that was uncalled for" she says standing up dusting off her clothes with a very annoyed look on her face.

"I deserved it so" I laugh at her. I am gonna miss this girlie while we are apart. I wont be able to throw pillows at her from California.

We spend the whole morning goofing around trying to make something that somewhat resembles a Christmas dinner. We are not very good cooks and I am just going to say, my mother would be disappointed. It was worse than I had expected. This "dinner" was a flop so we decided to just....not. We spend the rest of our day off watching classic holiday movies, eating sweet delicious candy and other unhealthy foods lying around the house, opening bright and colorful gifts, dancing and terribly singing along to christmas songs all throughout the house in the green and red onesies we picked out a couple days before. Overall Christmas was a success and I couldn't have had a better day with her. We decided to pull a "christmas story" (a/n you know the movie "A Christmas Story") and get Chinese takeout for our dinner. Though a real Christmas dinner wouldve been great, I am happy with how we improvised because of our terrible cooking skills . It was a blast and I can't believe that the night is almost technically over. Christmas with Nina is the best gift I could've asked for.


I know this letter won't reach him tonight but it's better late than never.

Dear Jack Avery,

        I am aware that you either hate me, or have forgotten me. Either way I need you to know this. I love you. I have always loved you. And will never stop loving you. I know this letter might wreck whatever sense of closure you have ever gotten after I left and I am deeply apologetic towards you and any situation you are in.

Merry Christmas Jack, I know this won't reach you in time because I am writing this at 11pm on Christmas Day but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't write anything. I don't know for sure what you are doing with your life but I know that you are doing something that you love, because that is the type of person you are. Or at least the type of person you used to be.

Whatever the case I prayed for you every day, that you follow your dreams, thats your dreams eventually come true.

I am sorry. I am so sorry that I got up and left like no tomorrow. I dont know if anyone has told you why I left or where I went, but I am sure you have many assumptions. I left to follow my dreams. I got an amazing offer that I accepted and brought Nina with me. Nina is now following her dreams now as well. And like I have already said, I hope you did the same after I left. I am so sorry Jack. Have a very merry Christmas and always follow your dreams.

Annabeth Marriot

I fold up the piece of paper and place it into an envelope. I write down all the mailing information except for my address because I still don't want him to come to NY. I place a stamp on it and put it in my outgoing mailbox. No turning back now.

If I could re-do one thing I have ever done in my entire life. If I could take back one mistake I have ever made. It would be without a shadow of a doubt, me ending things with Jack. I regret letting him go everyday. Everyday I miss him, even if it doesn't make me cry anymore it doesnt hurt any less that her isnt here with me. Especially on Christmas.

I am positive that he has some beautiful supermodel girlfriend and has no need for me in his life anymore, but I know he loved me at one time and he can't deny that. Even if he hates me and never wants to see me again, he loved me once.

He loved me.

And those 3 words will always give me hope.

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