Ch. 14

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Hey look it's me^^ aka Julia aka the author of this wonderful book. So yeah...thats Jules...

So, I still have to tell Julia about the new roommates. And let's just say today really isn't the greatest time. For one she is on her period which is already a big enough issue, along with the fact that her finals are next month so she is on edge 24/7, and...well she is kind of an ass sometimes but that's the kind of relationship we have. Yes I know very confusing, I hate her with a passion but love her to death. She drives me crazy yet she puts up with my crazy. Yeah I know doesn't make sense but that's okay.

《Time Skippp》

"Hey Jules?" I ask quietly.

"what" she responds sharply.

"Okay first off don't be a bitch unless you want to get smacked" I say with the same sass.

"Yeah yeah sorry or whatever" well that's the biggest apology I will get from her so...

"I bought you this chocolate" I say as I hand her a bar of chocolate. I know she will devour it so I wait until she stuffs her face so that she can't yell at me until she is done chewing.

Annnnd I'm ready.

"So um we're going to get 2 more roommates that I was friends with before I moved ha ha" I say awkwardly.

"Dope" she says grinning while chewing her food.



Well that was easier than I thought hmm I wonder if somethings up? Well I can't pay attention to that batshit crazy woman so I leave before I get too attached. I call Rena and Kaylee and tell them that everything is set in place and they can move when they have the time. In the meantime I want to meet up with Jack. He asked me on a date tonight. Yes a real full blown date. I can't say I'm not nervous because that is at least 70% of my emotions right now. A date with Jack Robert Avery. My girls are moving in with me. Kaylee might start working with me. Julia is almost done with college...

(okay yes I am aware that college takes, or at least what she wants to be, around 10 years but for the purpose of the book let's just say she squished all of that into one bc I need her to be college educated for the purpose of this storyline. If you have a problem with that i am sorry but take it up with someone who cares. Sorry for the inconvenience in the timeline)

... I live in a beautiful house, my sister is living her dream, I'm living my dream, my friends are living there dream, and did I mention that I have a date with Jack Robert Avery? Because yeah, I do. Wait. I HAVE A DATE I I'M NOT READY OH NO I GOTTA BLAST.

I rush to my room and see that I only have the basic makeup, if you call mascara and concealer basic makeup.. "JULIA MARIE" I yell from my room. "ANNABETH FAITH" she yells back in the same voice as mine. "I NEED YOU TO DO MY MAKE UP IN GOING ON A DATE" I yell loud and clear. I hear something fall, a door slam, pounding footsteps, and then another crash. More graceful than a bull in a fine china shop. "I'm here, now let me fix that mess" she says smiling "Why thank you, you are always so kind" I say sarcasticly, rolling my eyes. "What can I say? I do what I can" she replies shrugging her shoulders.

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