Ch. 20

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(Anna pov btw)

I wake up in the sea of dark blue covers I call my bed. I turn over to wake Jack up, but the bed is empty. I sit up fast, and of course I assume the worst and start having a full on panic attack. I mean what if he was kidnapped and killed? What if people that used to work for my birth mother are still out for revenge! My heart is racing and my breathing is uneasy. What is happening to me? I'm never like this?

My fingers start to shake, then my hands, then slowly the anxiety takes over my body entirely. "Someone H-help" I yell to whoever is close enough to hear my plea.

In comes Julia in her pajamas with a calm look on her face. Then Jack, looking worried as hell. After seeing him, I should've made me calm but my current state remains the same. "Jack go into my room and grab the air diffuser from off my shelf and the small brown bottle with the white label that's next to it she says while sitting down slowly. "What why?" Jack asks confused, but still worried. "Jack!" She raises her voice a little with a high irritated look on her face. She looks back at me completely calm. "Okay Anna, right now you are having a severe panic attack and I need you to watch me and listen, can you do that" she asks calmly, how can she be so calm? "Yeah" I reply with small tears flowing down the side of my face. She puts one hand on her chest and one on her stomach, a nd takes a breath. "Okay so now you try it. One hand on your chest, and one on your stomach" she says calmly, I imitate her, I notice my chest is rising high and going up while my stomach stays still. "Okay I want you to try and make your chest and stomach go up and down at the same time okay?" She says sweetly. Jack bursts through the door looking incredibly flustered. Julia gets up and plugs in the diffuser and sets it on the side table next to me. She takes the little glass bottle from Jack, unscrews the lid, and taps the opening to her hand. She comes back and rubs my chest, wrists, and feet with the liquid. It smells like lavender, the air from the diffuser also smells of the sweet smelling flower. I continue to do the breathing thing until I realize that I had stopped shaking and my heart beat has slowed down. "How did y- I was j- what?" I ask. "Magic my dear" she answers as she sweeps the hair off my forehead. "Just keep this on and stay still, and I'll...let you guys talk. But when you're  done you are going to my office" she says as she points at me. I look over to Jack as he paces around thinking to himself. Julia walks out and closes the door behind her, leaving Jack and I alone. "What happened babygirl?" Jack asks, taking my hand in his. "I-i don't know" I whisper. "It's never happened before" I add, looking out my window at the beautiful veiw of Los Angeles. He grabs my face, taking my chin in his hands. I look deep into his beautiful brown eyes as he leans in. Our lips connect, only for a second. Leaving me already wanting more. He pushes our foreheads together and closes his eyes. "How am I supposed to leave in 2 days when I am this worried about you Anna" he sighs, placing both hands on either side of my face. "Jack, you can't say that. You have so many fans that would kill to be within 50 feet of you. You have to go." I say back, smiling at him. "Why are you always right?" He says as he smiles to me. "I don't know ask me tomorrow" I smile back. I love the fact that we're happy now. That everyone is happy and content. Jonah and Julia are having a baby, Zach and Kaylee are engaged to be engaged, Rena and Daniel are absolutely goals, and Jack and I are perfect. Life is great. Corbyn needs to get a girl, a bean needs sunshine to grow. He needs to find his sunshine.

Rena is coming back today and I couldn't be more happy. She hasn't seen the baby bump yet and she has been dying to see it. Kaylee and I are planning a welcome home party to congratulate her on her successful foster care program. I'm on cooking duty because all Kaylee can make is rice and TV dinners and I am not about to let everyone be exposed to whatever creation Kaylee makes if she tries to cook.

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