Ch. 15 (part 2)

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After 73 centuries of petty fighting...



: end recap

"What?" I ask out of breath. I felt like I ran at the speed of light into a brick wall. "I'm in love with you Anna. I am jealous of every human being that gets close to you. To everything that is there for you when I'm not. Of everyone that you look at if your eyes aren't on me. Of everything that you love more than me. Call me self centered. Call me jealous. Call me anything you want because i dont care. The pnly thing I care about is you Annabeth Faith Marriot. I am in love with you." He says with his eyes closed, and his head laid back on the seat. Every one in the car is silent, waiting for what I will say next. I may back in my seat, buckle my seat belt, close my eyes and say "I'm in love with you Jack Robert Avery" I pause again, "I never stopped, and I never will. I'm. In. Love. With. You." I say lowly. "I will never love Logan, or any boy that comes my way. Because my heart belongs to you. It has since the day I met you...well formally met you. You were an ass is the school hallway but that's not the point. I will never stop loving you Jack. You don't need to get jealous of Logan because you have my heart. So yes, your are jealous, self centered, and absolutely crazy. But I am in love with you" I reply smiling to myself.

"So are y'all done fighting? Or what..." Zach says quietly. Gee thanks Zach for ruining a moment "We good babe?" He asks me. HE CALLED ME BABE KFJSJDJ. okay I'm fine breathe Anna breathe. "Yeah, we good baby"

"You guys are actually so adorable I love this" Julia says looking at me in the mirror of the car. "This could be us but you playin" Jonah says crossing his arms like the child he is. Wow Jonah, I bet you couldn't be more out there if you tried. "Your right, but games are much more fun than reality" Julia smiles at him. Ooooooh what is that supposed to mean. I ship so hard this is great "Guarantee you will have so much fun you'll get tired of smiling if you go out with me" ooh get it Jonah. "How about this. I'll think about it." Julia says smirking. Jonah is over joyed and is highkey freaking out in the passenger seat next to her. "AYE" All the boys say in unison. What a day am I right?

Listen sorry babes but your girl has to have a time skip. Sorry for all of the skips in time, I am aware that storyline time skips are a little confusing so even if after I explain it all pls ask me if it still doesn't make sense. Love you all!!

4 months later, it's late May-early June. The boys are preparing for the Something Different Tour. Jonah and Julia did go on their date about 1 month ago. Julia, nor Jonah talk about it... ever since then they kind of stopped one really knows what happened and neither of them plan to tell anyone yet. (But you will know soon my dudes) On another note Rena hired Julia on the side when she has a case that desperately needs her. Right now she works at the East Hills Mental Hospital as a Phyciatrist. She was going to work from home but Anna has very strong opinions about that so I will enlighten you later...
Dani boi and Rena boo are flipping goals. Zaylee's ship is still going strong. Jack and Anna are DATING WHOOP WHOOOPP. Corbitch is still a lonely bean. The girls (Julia, Rena, Kaylee, and Anna) all live together now. The boys come over all the time, they all basically live in two houses bc they are almost always at either house. Uuuuuumm I think that's it. Once again I love y'all if you have any questions please ask💕
And now. Back to the story.

"I DON'T CARE IF HE'S SLEEPING, HE BETTER BE HERE IN LESS THAN AN HOUR OR I'M GOING TO COME DOWN THERE AND HE WILL BE SORRY" I hear someone scream from down stairs. I hear more screaming, and pacing around the floor. Well, that seems fun but right now I am perfectly fine where I am. In the arms of my most favorite person in this world. Jack motha flipping Avery. He is also the world's deepest sleeper so naturally he didn't even bear the screaming. I hate doing this, but I slither my way out of his grip and as I do that. Seconds away from sweet sweet freedom. "Babe?" I hear I tired confused Jack grumble. "Yes?" I sigh. "Where are you going" he asks, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I was about to get in the shower, don't worry I'll be back" I reply with a smile. "Ooh can I join?" He asks smirking at me. "Hell no perv" I smile sarcasticly. I turn on my heels and hop in the shower.

I hear a scream from downstairs. Not really sure what that means. I get put of the shower and go downstairs. Where did Jack g-. I look in the counter and there is a note.

Dear Princess,

Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye but I got called into an emergency meeting with the boys. I'll make it up to you tonight ;)


Oh okay well no need to be nasty Avery...

I eat breakfast and all that stuff. Then ik this is a little tmi but I go to the bathroom. I take a glance in the trash can and see a piece of plastic sticking out. I pick it up just to see what it is. It's a..

It's a pregnancy test.

And it's positive.

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