Chapter 5 - 8/2/11 - 11/2/11

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8/2/11 – 11/2/11



Sarah seems to be getting really pissed off that I have James around and Matilda is doing the same. Elektra is the only one who is at least tolerant of my relationship with James. I guess that's because she has a person that she loves. Matilda also says that she has a boyfriend but I think that is just all in her mind since none of us have met him.

As James and I were eating I could sense Sarah glaring venomously at James. I could tell that was making him feel really uncomfortable. I'm afraid that if the rule of the hotel that you would be kicked out if you killed someone in the hotel wasn't around Sarah would kill James. That rule is pretty much the only thing keeping him alive right now and I hate it. I try to protect him as much as I can from her. She is strong. A lot stronger than me. She has been a werecat for a long time and has developed her powers a lot. Whereas I am a newer werecat. Maybe one day when Sarah finally falls in love with someone she might understand me better. However for now we will remain enemies about to tear each others throats out and I have to become strong for James.


So beautiful, just so beautiful. I was looking in the mirror. My blue hair looked fabulous even if I was wearing this ugly uniform I was cute. I winked at myself. If I was a guy I would fall in love with me. I mean how could you not I'm so adorable. I giggled cutely.

"Are you ok?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around it was John. He is sort of cute.

"Hey," I greeted him in my totally cute voice.

"I heard you giggling randomly and I got worried but it seems you're fine so I'll go," he explained about to walk off.

"You don't have to go you can stay here with me," I squealed but he seemed to walk a little faster. Silly boy I'm over here. Some guys just lose their minds when they see me.


She was so beautiful. I was looking at Sarah on the train as she was talking to Natasha. I couldn't stop looking at her. A cute little smile crept onto her face as Natasha said something funny and I could feel myself starting to drool. It is so cruel that she will never share the feelings I have for her. If she was my girlfriend I would treat her like a princess. However she doesn't care about how many times she breaks my heart. It seems my heart is just a toy for her to play with but I can't help but to want to be with her every second of the day. I know that one day she will love me so I just have to wait until that day.

"Mik.... you're drooling again," Natasha told me.

"So gross," Sarah muttered.

I wiped the drool away with the back of my hand. Sarah looked over at me and I could feel my heart beating quickly. She was looking at me in disgust but I know that one day she will be looking at me in love.


School is so boring. I sat in class bored as hell Nick and Cleo were sitting next to me. Cleo had left a tube of that shit she puts on her lips on her desk. I picked it up and opened the lid. There was a whole lot of bright pink goo in it. Why the hell would someone put this on their lips? It smells like a dead animal. I squeezed the tube and some of the goo came out. Interesting.... Now how do I get it back in before Cleo notices.

Fortunately for me Cleo was too busy talking to some other idiot. Maybe if I just get rid of the goo she won't notice. I could burn the goo but that would smell and I'd probably have to go see that old lady again. So burning it is probably not the best option. Nicks hand was resting next to me on the desk. I wiped the goo onto his hand and he didn't notice. I held back my laughter and squeezed the whole tube onto his hand. That got his attention and he looked down at his hand "What the-" he mutter and touched it.

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