Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sarah opened the door of her motel room and to see a little dragon; Moon Light sitting on her bed. Moon Light gave her a dragon smile which doesn't look very smile-ish to a normal person. "You're not supposed to be here, no pets allowed," She scolded the dragon.

I'm not a pet I'm a dragon

"Same thing Moon Light."

It is not and you need to learn that. A dragon can be as smart as any human in fact they are usually more intelligent.

"Ok but how would you know if dragons are smarter than humans if you not know anything of your heritage?" Sarah asked.

Moon Light just snorted and looked at her. It took Sarah a moment to realise "Hey!"

Your timing just proved my point.

Cheeky dragon.


The ocean's water made Maxina strong. She made the water swirl around her and lifted it up into the air forming a hovering ring of water. It sparkled beautifully in the air as Maxina gazed up at it.

"Your magic is beautiful," She heard someone say. She turned to see Darrel standing there looking up at the ring of water. He was holding an umbrella to shield himself from the sun.

"I know... I only wish I was this strong normally," Maxina sighed.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I'm not that strong...."

"You're way stronger than me."

She looked at him, he was a vampire but he wasn't good at fighting and he didn't have any special powers aside from being a vampire. Maxina would definitely beat him in a fight.

"Sorry I really shouldn't be complaining to you," Maxina felt herself weaken so she let down the ring of water. It splashed them both and she giggled.

He smiled at her "Don't worry about it, magic users are meant to be strong aren't they?"

"Yeah we bend the rules of nature so... we are strong."

"That's cool, I don't really understand magic to be honest," He looked at the ground.

She splashed him "That's ok, I don't understand vampires. We can't know everything about every myth right?"

He smiled "Yeah you're right."


A new motel was needed because as you could probably guess Devil burnt it down. Maxina was being "annoying" so Devil went to hit her but Maxina ducked and Devil hit the wall. Devil's fist of course was on fire and that fire spread to the wall, then the beds and soon the whole place was up in flames. Devil blamed Maxina for it.

Right now the myths of the hotel were on the street and Maxina was looking for new places they could stay. What Sarah didn't understand was why Maxina didn't put out the fire with her water magic. She was either having a blonde moment or rather blue moment or being consumed by fear. Though fire is one of Maxina's rational fears. Olivia leader of the element group and daughter of the alien fire goddess was screaming at Devil.

Even though Devil and Olivia are half sisters they hate each other. Olivia is all bark and no bite, Devil the exact opposite. In the hotel they would avoid each other to the best of their ability however all of the hotel was spread on the street because of Devil. Olivia couldn't help herself but to poke the bear.

Olivia flicked her constantly burning hair into Devil's face, maybe in hopes of burning Devil.

Devil shouted at her "That won't have any effect on me; we have the same powers, genius!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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