"Isaac needs a mother's presence in his life," A small smile threatens to pull the edges of William's lips but I grimace at his words.

"He has me," I want to say. But I don't. I'm not his mother. I can never be. I'm just a stranger who is taking care of him voluntarily.

"Does Isaac like Cecelia?" I ask instead. At this point I know that William is reading me like an open book, I hate myself for being so vulnerable in front of people, not being strong enough to hide my emotions. But I have no choice and so despite not being able to hide the fear, the anger, the hurt, and the confusion that flashes across my face, I try my best to pull on a calm expression and help him through this logically.

"No, he does not," William shakes his head, the little glint of humour flashes across his eyes and I grit my teeth, realising he is having fun riling me up right now.

"Do you?" I shrug, staring at him straight in the eyes this time. I don't want to miss any emotion that might come and go within a split second.

William looks at me for a while, straight in the eyes before he finally answers, "No, I do not."

"There you have it."

"Do you think Isaac likes you?" William surprises me by asking me this. My wide eyes snap up to his and for a second I just stare at him.

"No," I want to say. Of course, he does not. He loves his real mum, I am just a shadow.

This time I say what's on my mind.

"No, he doesn't. He loves his mother, his real mother. I am only a shadow, a facade."

William's eyes harden again and I wonder what mistake I've made this time.

"Who does he run about calling Mum?" He asks me.

I gulp, "Me."

"Who does he get jealous for? Even of his father?"

I look away, thinking about a few minutes ago, "Me."

"Who is here, right now, in his life trying to give him all the love and more to compensate for the amount he has lost since he was born? Who is here sacrificing her time, just so he does not have to be sad anymore? Who is here holding his father's hands just so he can smile and believe that he too has a happy family?"

I blink, and the traitor tears I didn't know the origin of drops onto my lap.


"Me," I whisper.

"There you have it."

"William dear!" Just then a series of knocks that follow the acknowledgment pulls my attention in and I turn towards the door — then gasp and turn towards Willian when the smooth pad of his thumb softly rubs against my cheeks, wiping away the tears.

Our eyes hold each other's and I stare as his eyes remain on mine, completely ignoring Mary's voice from outside the room.

"Don't cry again."

Instantly he turns towards the door and the spell is broken, "Yes, Ma?"

Looking down I stare at my chest when I realise how crazy fast my heart is beating and unconsciously pull my palm up to press it against my chest.

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