Shivika Fs - properitorial Part 21

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Recap : Anika in trouble

Part 21

All of a sudden shivay picked her up in his arms and threw her on bed. Anika didn't expect this move from him. Those eyes which exhibited pain and guilt before few minutes were now filled with anger pure anger. She tried to get up but he pushed her harshly again. Anika yelled in pain but nothing seems to enter his mind. All she could do was stare at him with blank eyes filled with tears and fear.

He tied her hands with the help of his tie. She tried to resist him but he was more powerful than her. She screamed him to stop but he didn't listen to her. He laid on top of her and whispered something in her ears.

" you are mine only mine. No one can dare to take you away from me. You will never leave me not even in your slightest dreams. I'll show the world you are my possession. I'll show that loser only I have rights on you and he can never snatch you away from me. Tonight I will mark you as mine in all senses ".

His words frozen her. Never ever in her worst nightmares she thought to lose her virginity under such circumstances. Even though she was physically abused in her childhood she was never ever sexually harassed.
She was trying her level best to stop him but he was too strong for her.

Like a beast he kissed all over her forcefully. He bit her earlobe and she hissed in pain. Tears continuously flowed from her eyes. But he didn't pay any heed to her. She never wanted to fall weak before him. But she was helpless. She felt like dying but she couldn't. She was struggling continously.

She felt no more strong. She never wanted to give up but involuntarily her eyes closed. She couldn't fight more and she felt disgusted of herself for not being able to stop him. Suddenly she felt no movement. She slowly opened her eyes. She saw him and confirmed that he passed out. She finally freed herself from that tie and pushed him away from her. She immediately left the room crying.

Next morning

Shivay was sleeping on bed. Sun rays peeped in and disturbed his sleep. He woke up with heavy head ache.

" ahhh, my head is paining a lot. What happened yesterday night"?, he tried to recall last night events.


Shivay was passing through the parking lot and that's when he heard some weird sound. He turned around to find daksh making out with some random girl. He immediately tried to move away from there but before that daksh noticed him.

" hey bro come on where are you going?", daksh said.

" stop addressing me as your bro", shivay warned.

" chill man I know you must be angry but what to do. Girls come behind me. They don't want to be with a loser like you. After all you must remember what happened in past right", smirked daksh.

Shivay clenched his fist angrily.
Seeing it daksh commented again.

" what to do shivay when your fate is like that? Even one day your wife will be coming to me after all no one want to be with a loser like you ", daksh laughed.

Shivay anger reached it's limit. He punched daksh on his face. Daksh groaned in pain. Shivay held his collar and said.

" don't even lay your eye on her. She is mine only mine. Whatever happened in past I will forgive you for that but if you dare to mess with my wife. I'll sue your life", he left his hold on collar and immediately went from there.

Then he went to a bar counter and started to drink some shots after drinking his driver dropped him at home. Daksh words kept on ringing in his mind.

Flashback ends

He was trying hard to remember. He saw his tie lying on floor That's when everything came rushing back to him in his mind. He felt ashamed of himself. Never in his life he would do such things. He never want to force a girl especially not anika. He respected her a lot and would never wish to do anything that would hurt her self respect. He was drunk yesterday and daksh's worss instigated him continously but even though he never wanted to hurt her. He thought what would anika feel? He was sure that after today she will never even talk to him. But he wanted to beg for her forgiveness. He wanted to set everything right . He first decided to meet anika and apologize for his behalf.

He suddenly heard a loud sound  which shook his heart to the core.

Hi everyone back with next part. Last part crossed 170 likes. You people reached your target so I updated this one. Eid Mubarak to everyone. Thank you for all your love and support ❤️.
If you want next update soon like and comment because I'M BAD NOT VERY BAD.

Chapter dedicated to Sweta0710 and zainu_obsessedhope you like this eidi from my side 😘😘.

Next update target

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