Shivika Fs - Propreitorial Part 6

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Part 6

Anika's pov

Why again I am facing the worst memories of my life? Isn't it enough that I already lost a major battle of my life. Why I met him again? The one only shivay Singh oberoi, a rich spoiled brat who judge people only on their naam, khoon and khandhan. He has not changed even a bit.

I identified him at the first instant. After all how can I forget his dangerous green eyes. He is the one who is responsible for my current situation. If for not that day I could have never transformed myself into a stronger person. I still remember that fateful day.

Flashback before few years

Anika was around 13 years. Her stepmother hated her to the core. She was treated not less than a maid. Her father always remained silent. Often Anika wondered why his father is not taking a stand for her. Anika always wished to get someone's love but she couldn't get it in any form.

She studied in one of the very famous schools in Mumbai. Her identity remained close. She was studying under the fake name of Anisha. Only her cousin Tia knew her identity.

Unlike other rich spoiled brat Anika was sincere in her studies. She was a perfect example for nerd. It's only because of her transformation and appearance shivay couldn't identify her in future.

Shivay was studying in the same school that of Anika. He was 3 years older than her and was a school heartthrob. He always scored top marks in his exams. Even though girls run behind him like mad he never misused them.

His close friends circle include daksh, Siddharth, Mallika and Tia. Even though he consider them as his close friends he never shared any of his secrets with them. He always remained like a mystery.

One day shivay bumped into Anika and as usual he didn't say sorry to her.

" Excuse me mister I think you forgot something", Anika said.

" Huh what", shivay replied with attitude.

" If you bump on someone at least you should tell sorry to them", Anika told him.

" If that is the rule then listen shivay Singh oberoi never say sorry or thank you to anyone", he said flicking his hair.

" I don't want to waste my time on you", Anika started to move from there but she felt a tug on her wrist.

" Hey you before you think you are wasting your time on me first look at yourself. I am not at all interested in talking to a nerd like you. So miss Anisha better remember it you can never be my choice", he left her hand and did his famous SSO move.

" How you know my name?", She asked in a worried tone.

" Trust me I know everything about everyone", he said and left.

After that incident they never left a chance to fight with each other. Mr. Rana, anika's father arranged a success party for his business. Kamini warned Anika to not enjoy the party. She asked her to serve the guests. As usual her father stood quite. She was fed up of this activities but she couldn't disobey her stepmother order. She was serving the guests suddenly she saw a pair of green eyes staring her.

" hey Anisha how come you are in these party?", He checked her costumes and resumed.

" By looking your costumes why I do feel like you are serving guests. Come on Anika don't tell me you work here", he laughed sarcastically.

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