Shivika Fs - fulfilling wishes part 25

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Recap: shivay to help Anika in sahil's custody case.

Part 25

Anika don't know how to react after seeing him. She stood there rooted. Vikram was equally surprised. He don't know Anika was married. He guessed maybe she missed someone but he never expected her to be a married woman.

" Ms. Anika. Is he your husband?", Mrs. Patel asked her.

Anika did not speak anything. Sensing her shock shivay said to Mrs. Patel.

" If you don't mind can I have a word with my wife?", He gave his genuine smile.

Mrs. Patel nodded in response.
He interwined his hand with hers and left from there. Vikram didn't make any effort to stop him. He very well knew he must be someone very important to her.

Shivay took Anika to a corner where no one can see them. He shook her arms to get her attention.

After a while she gained her conscience.

" How come you are here?", She asked him.

" I thought you will be happy after seeing me but you look like someone who saw a ghost", he tried to lighten up her mood.

" Seriously shivay if it's some kind of joke please stop it. I can't tolerate this anymore. Now tell me why you are here? And why you addressed me as your wife?", She questioned him.

Even though Anika was longing to see him she didn't want to fall weak before him. She has lost the ability to trust him anymore. She don't want to get broken again.

Anika I know whatever I did was wrong. I hurted you. But trust me I never did it intentionally. You always say I always think from my brain not from my heart. My heart was filled by you but my brain betrayed me. It persuaded me to see your defects. Anger overpowered my trust. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. I will not ask you to forgive me. But please give me a chance to rectify my mistakes."

" I don't have time to discuss my past. All I have to think is about sahil. So please tell me", she pleaded.

" Actually Anika I need to tell you a truth", he let out a puzzle.


After watching Anika and Vikram together in beach he felt miserable. He blamed himself for this situation. He trusted Anika because he know she can never move on so easily. He didn't doubt her. But it hurts him so much to see her with other man.

If he would have trusted her then both of them must have lived happily together. He messed up everything. He didn't give her a single chance to be with him. He didn't have the courage to face her.

While he was deeply engrossed in his thoughts he felt something hit his foot. He bended his head down and saw a ball. He picked up the ball. Just then he heard a voice.

" Sorry Uncle can you please give me the ball", a kid said to him.

" Sahil", he said in happiness.
He immediately hugged him tightly and started to kiss all over his face.

" SSO stop kissing me I am not Anika didi", he giggled.

" Sahil how are you? You don't how much I missed you", he said.

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