Shivika FF - Hided Truth Part 21

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Recap : roop is back

Part 21

Everyone was shocked to see Roop in a wheelchair.

" What happened to her?", Dadi rushed towards Roop after all she was her daughter. Love and affection always overpower anger.

" I'm sorry ma I was returning from Bangalore. On the way I saw Roop lying on road with full of blood. Then I realized she met with an accident. I immediately admitted her in hospital. I know we are angry on her but still she is our sister. I can't let anything happen to her. Doctors saved her life But unfortunately her body is paralyzed and she can't speak", Suraj mehra said in a sad tone.

No one could argue after all Roop was also an oberoi. Dadi cried looking at her daughter condition. They didn't have the courage to leave her alone. They all decided to let her stay with them till her recovery.

Youngsters decided to play something to pass their time. But they had a huge confusion on what to play.

" Let's play truth or dare", rudra suggested.

" Oh no 24/7 you want to play this game. I'm not ready", omkara said.

" What about chess?", Shivay said.

" Oh shivay come on man this is not a competition it's just a game to have some fun. So think of something which is full of entertainment", arjun told shivay.

" Can we play anthakshri", gauri suggested.

" No gauri you very well know about all oberoi brothers voice", Anika giggled.

" Actually bhabhi is right", bhavya too laughed.

These girls are getting on our nerves, oberoi brothers thought.

" Guys I have a better idea. Why don't we play hide and seek?", Arjun said.

Hearing this game shivay's face changed to red color in anger. He thought Anika will disagree but to his surprise she agreed to play.

Arjun explained the rules and it was the same rules which they played in their childhood.

At first rudra decided to be the catcher. Everyone hided themselves. but due to shivay's bad luck his phone rang. So rudra catched shivay first and shivay was forced to kiss rudra.

Everyone laughed at his situation and shivay was embarrassed.

soon they continued the game this time arjun was the catcher.

All the obros were having a hard time in saving their wives from arjun.

Annika was hiding behind a couch. She heard some footsteps so she covered her mouth to avoid making noises. 

Suddenly she felt someone puling her. she opened her mouth to shout but someone covered it with their hand.

" shhh Annika, it's me", Shivay said releasing his hand from her mouth.

" Shivay you gave me mini heart attack", Annika complained.

" aww my wife has become angry billi", he teased her.

" Shivay aap bhi na. okay leave it now tell me what are you doing here?", she questioned him.

" woh actually kya hai na Annika I want to spend some time with my beautiful wife all alone", Shivay winked at her. he snuggled close to her.

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