Shivika FF - Hided Truth Part 16

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Recap : Is shivay and tej together against Anika.

Part 16

Soon entire oberoi family reached the venue and joined arjun's party.

Arjun saw a beautiful girl standing all alone near dance floor. He went towards her and tried to start a conversation.

" hi I am arjun mehra", he introduced himself but he didn't get any response from other side.

"Waise bhi this party is quite boring. They are just playing some odd English songs. I would prefer some bollywod music especially salman khan's songs", arjun said.

Hearing the word salman khan gauri's excitement reached sky level.

" you are right even I would prefer salman khan songs. Are you a salman khan fan? Oops sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am gauri kumara sarma", she forwarded her hand.

" gauri kumara sarma, nice name. a perfect name for beautiful girl like you", arjun shaked his hand with her.

" arre wah you are not teasing me", gauri asked in shock.

" why would I tease you?", he asked in surprise.

" well whenever I saiy my name to someone they always say it's sh... sha..", she stammered.

" sharma ", he helped her.

" haan wahi. Then why didn't you tease me", gauri questioned him.

" well gauri hope I can call you by that name", he asked. She nodded her head in response.

" it's your name and you can pronounce it as per your wish. There is nothing wrong in it. In fact you should be proud of yourself. You are unique and creative. Moreover I believe we should not judge anyone by their name or looks what matters to me is their character", arjun explained.

" I am so glad to know that people like you are still existing in this world. But I really respect your opinion", she laughed.

" well I feel like we already know each other", arjun said.

" huh", gauri reacted.

" trust me seriously it's not a pickup line but I really feel like we know each other", he raised his doubt.

" that's because she is my wife", omkara said.

" om ", arjun hugged him. Later he broke the hug.

" how are you arjun?", om enquired him.

" I am perfectly fine. But look at yourself you married this beautiful girl and you didn't even bother to tell me", arjun teased omkara.

" woh actually it all happened suddenly", om tried to make an excuse.

" that's okay bro well I must say your choice is too good. Your wife is not only beautiful but also intelligent, bold and unique. If I have seen her before I would have definitely end up marrying her", arjun commented.

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