Shivika Fs - fulfilling wishes part 46

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Recap : shivika consummation

Part 46

Shivay woke up from his deep slumber. His face adorned with smile. He found the other side of bed empty. He wondered where Annika went. She never wakes up earlier than him. He picked up his dress from floor and wore it. He went to kitchen to look for her but she was not there. He went to living area and other rooms but still couldn't find her. At last she found her watering the plants. She was looking too cute. He slowly went to her and hugged her from back. Annika gasped at his sudden contact.

" Shivay what are you doing?", she asked him shyly.

" hugging you", he replied.

" you started in morning itself", she teased him.

" hmm what to do when my wife is so hot and I can't resist myself", he snuggled close to her.

" we have to leave now. We are getting late", she pushed him away.

Soon they left from beach house. Shivay was driving the car. Annika was staring him continuosly.

" I know I am handsome Annika. As a wife you have all the right to check me out", he teased her.

" Shivay I want to say something to you", she sounded serious.

He stopped his prank and held her hand. He stopped the car and keenly listened to her.

" tell me Annika", he said

" woh Shivay actually I want to say that I lo....", she was abruptly stopped in middle when a truck hit their car. Shivay almost lost the control of his car but luckily he managed to save both of them.

Once again fear struck her heart and she decided to give up. She didn't have the energy to fight against her fear.

" Annika are you fine ", he enquired her.

She nodded her head in response and ensured nothing happened to her.

" you were about to say something", he reminded her.

"haan actually I want to say that you are getting late for your flight", she lied to him.

" yes you are right I am getting late. Let me drop you first then I will go to airport", he replied in anger.

He drove the car very harshly. He was very upset by her words. He thought everything will change after yesterday's night but he was wrong. Silence prevailed between them during rest of the journey.

He didn't talk to her even after reaching home. He picked his luggage and left from there. He shut the main door with bang which made Annika realise that he is angry and hurt.

Once he left she fell on the floor with a thud. She cried immensely thinking about her fate. Her phone ringed. She was not in a mood to speak with anyone. But th called id showed sahil's name. she wiped her tears but still it didn't stop. She atteneded the call and started to sob.

" didi what happened? Please don't cry", sahil pacified her.

" sahil I lost today. I lost everything. Shivay is going back to india", she crid loudly.

" what are you saying didi? Jiju is going back to india. Why don't you stop him?", he questioned her.

" I can't do that sahil. If he stays with then his life will be in danger. All my loved ones leave me. I can't put his life in danger", she explained him.

Shivika Fs - Proprietorial + Shivika StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora