Shivika FF - Hides Truth Part 22

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Recap : hide and seek in mehra mansion.

Part 22

" dadi ", Shivay screamed.

He saw a chandelier falling on dadi but in nick of time arjun's father suraj saved her.

In this process he got hurt and was bleeding but he didn't care about it. Shivay came running towards dadi. His eyes were shedding tears.

" I'm fine billu but suraj is bleeding", dadi said.

That was when he noticed suraj bleeding.

Hearing noise all the members of house gathered inside living area.

Bhavya immediately rushed and got first aid box. Annika and gauri helped her to apply it.

Anjali mehra came rushing towards her husband. She cried seeing her husband's bleeding hand.

Omkara immediately called for doctor and other services.

Arjun called the security and bashed them for being so irresponsible. He fired the security head.

" uncle thank you so much for saving dadi. I don't know how to repay for this. Our entire family is so grateful to you", Shivay thanked suraj.

" beta please don't say thank you. I consider kalyani ma as my own mother and it's my duty to save her from problems", suraj said.

Doctor checked suraj and applied bandages to him. Doctor gave medicines and asked him to take rest.

Everyone thanked suraj for saving dadi.

After sometime everyone retired to their rooms.

Suraj's room

An angry arjun barged inside the room.

" dad what was the need to do all these drama? Why you saved dadi? You only planned all this na", arjun asked suraj.

" calm down my son. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yes I want her to die. I want to see the entire oberoi mansion breaking. I want to destroy the so called foundation of oberios. So we need to have some patience", suraj smiled wickedly.

" dad I can never understand you. How many more years we have to wait to take revenge from oberois?", arjun asked in frustrated voice.

" arjun I'm more excited than you. I was waiting for this perfect moment and no one can stop us from destroying oberois. This is my dream from childhood.

Oberios snatched everything from me. Little did they know we are not mehras but oberois. I still remember my childhood days where everyone taunted me for being illegitimate

Prithviraj singh oberoi had a one night stand with your grand ma. Although he was not in his senses he remembered that night. Your grandma got pregnant. She told him about it but he refused to acknowledge me as his chid. He said he love kalyani more than anything else.

Your grndma loved him a lot hence she left him for his happiness. My mom faced all the insults only because of that so called prithvi raj Singh oberoi. I don't know why but she always loved that man. She never complained infact she said she loves him more.

I also tolerated many insults for not knowing my father's name. Starting from my school, college wherever I go I faced these taunts from society. I lost my mom one day. My entire world shattered.

People didn't allow me to bury her body in cemetery because she was a single mother. My mom never used my father's name. She tolerated every comment with a smile. She never felt jealous or angry whenever she saw Mr and Mrs. Oberoi on TV or newspaper. With many difficulties I cremated her body. I was struggling a lot.

That was when I met Anjali. She supported me in every possible way. I fell in love with her. She know everything about me. She never cared about my blood lineage or money. Her father opposed our love but she gave up her family and surname just for me. Only because of her love I'm still alive.

But I can never forget the pain. I changed my entire life. From an illegitimate child I transformed myself to Suraj mehra. I made sure no one knows my past.

  I earned more money. I became the sole owner of mehra industries only because of my hard work and with the support of your mother. I got everything in my life but the thrust for revenge never left me.

I befriended oberois and tagores. I slowly became very good friends of them.  I helped the duo in many problems to win their trust.
I tricked tej to cheat tagore. He unknowingly fell into my trap.

Before my plan could work Varun tagore found about my truth. He called and confronted me.  I went to his home. Luckily arjun, you told me the password otherwise I could have never broke the security of tagore.mansion.

I asked Varun to join with me but he was too stubborn. I didn't have any other choice so I killed him and his wife. I wanted to put the blame on tej but he was smart enough. Tej blasted entire tagore mansion hence no proof was left.

Again I got defeated but this time I will not leave this chance. Oberois will get destroyed forever. No one can escape this time", Suraj said to his son.

" Dad but what's your plan?", Arjun asked.

" Wait and watch arjun. But this time not even good can save oberois from me", Suraj said with full confidence.

Shivika room

" Shivay stop blaming yourself for what happened to Dadi. You are not responsible. You always protect us and what happened today was unfortunate. Sometimes mistake can happen shivay" Anika pacified her sobbing husband.

" No Anika I'm a very big failure. I never protected my family from problems. You took a bullet for me, rudra was shot once, car blast and many more happened. My security is not good. Although Khanna is doing is best still we are facing problem. What if something happens to you or our family I will definitely di...", He was stopped in middle as Anika placed her finger on his lips.

" Don't you dare utter those words from your mouth. I swear I will not leave you. What you said I took a bullet for you but don't forget you also did the same for me. You are the wall of oberoi family.

When you are here no one can do anything to us. You are the great Wall shivay Singh oberoi. How can you accept your defeat like this? You should fight till you win shivay", she tried to convince her husband through her words.

Although he is convinced by her words still he felt guilty.

His eyes silently shredded tears. Not able to bear his tears anika hugged him tightly and rubbed his back to calm him. She laid his head on her lap and massaged his hairs. He slowly drifted to sleep. She gently kissed his forehead.

Anika's pov

Don't worry shivay. When we are together nothing can happen to our family. We will protect our family at any cost. I am with you in this journey. When we are together no force in this world can defeat us.

Hi everyone back with next part. Last part crossed 160+ likes. Thank you so much for your support.

I want to dedicate this chapter to Jane_avneil . She is my khidkhitod SSO cum friend. She is writing a new story. Do check it out. All the best for your new phase of life as a writer.

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oon like and comment because I'M BAD NOT VERY BAD.

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