Shivika FF - Hided Truth Part 12

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Recap : Anika confront shivay

Part 12

" Anika I can't understand anything", shivay said helplessly.

" Listen to me Mr. Shivay Singh oberoi your family killed my parents but you are responsible for their death. You killed them. You are a murderer", she shouted. Tears flowed from her eyes. She is all broken both from inside and outside. She is no more sweet anika. All she want is revenge and only revenge.

Shivay's pov

What is she saying? I can't understand anything. How can she call me a murderer? How come I am responsible for their death?

" Anika what are you saying? Don't you trust me? I will never do such things in my life. Trust me Anika please", shivay pleaded to her.

" Trust and you nice joke shivay. You know what you gave me punishment for trusting you.

No matter what I always trusted you in my life. But from now I won't repeat that mistake again. I already had enough of your drama", Anika said angrily.

" Anika just tell me straightly. Don't beat around the bush", shivay asked her.

" If you want to know everything shivay I will tell you. But I was just wondering whether you eat your almonds properly or not.

Nowadays you have a great tendency to forget everything. First you forgot to tell me about my parents and now you are trying to prove you are innocent.

Well played shivay. I must say you deserve a bhaskar oops Oscar award for your acting", Anika sarcastically laughed at him.

" Anika why are you doing this? You only said we will start our relationship on a new note", shivay questioned her.

" Shivay I am just giving you a taste of your own medicine.

I hope now you must have understood how you feel when someone you trust betrays you", she smirked at him.

" Anika don't do this to me. I can't handle this anymore", shivay said to her.

" Then what about the pain I am handling for past 17 years. You know how it feels to stay away from your family.

How can you know after all you are shivay Singh oberoi and you can have everything you wish in your life.

My father trusted you a lot but what you did in return you told our security system password to tej and Shakthi Uncle. It's because of you my family is no more", she looked at shivay with broken heart.

He sat on the couch with a thud sound. He never expected this turn in his life. Once again he is facing the bitter truth of his life.

The truth which he never wish to hear again. It's a truth which he can never change. But he wondered how she remember everything. He looked at her with confusing eyes.

Anika sensed his confusion and answered him.

" Don't think too much shivay. Let me tell you everything in detail. Yesterday I fell on road and my head got hurt and I didn't remember anything after that.

When I woke up in hospital I got few flashback of my childhood and I tried to recall everything that's when I remembered everything.

Now I remember everything what you and your family did to us?", Anika explained him.

Now everything made sense to him. Her sudden change in yesterday behavior and many more.

" That means you planned everything. Your confession yesterday was just a mere drama", shivay said.

" I must appreciate shivay you are indeed a very big business man. Yes indeed you are right. Everything was pre - planned.

Last time I did a mistake now I won't repeat it again. Yesterday I added sleeping pills in your food. I took your fingerprint to open the locker. I used your phone to find the password.

As usual I found every documents and produced in media now I am the sole owner of tagore empire. No oberoi can stop me now. This is just a beginning shivay there is more to come", Anika explained him everything in detail.

Shivay was beyond shocked. He never in his dreams thought Anika will do something like this.

" Anika it's not like what you are thinking", shivay tried to explain her.

" Not now shivay I have a lot of work to do. All I need is a favor from you wait a minute maybe not a favor but a deal", Anika told him.

" Deal?", Shivay raised his eyebrows in doubt.

" Yes shivay it's a simple deal. No one in our family should know that I remember everything about my past. You should tell them I did all this because you asked me to do so", she said him.

" And what if I refuse to do it?", He questioned her.

" Well it's simple I will withdraw my shares from your company which will lead to very big loss for oberoi industries and I am pretty sure you don't want that to happen", Anika replied him.

Shivay hung his head down in defeat. Looking at that she continued.

" One thing shivay tomorrow evening we have a party to attend. Don't say you can't come because Arjun  personally invited you", she said and went from there.

" Arjun", shivay whispered. His mind travelled in an alternate universe which was filled with many memories.

Hi everyone back with next part. Last part crossed 175+ likes. Thank you for your support.

Next update target : 170 likes and 80 comments.

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