Start from the beginning

Then Claire and Sean were shooting a glare at Adam so harshly that he forced himself to look up.

He took a deep breath.


"...And you are?"

Everyone stood in silence, waiting for Adam to say his name. Just one word, and the atmosphere would change.

Just one word.

Even after Slow and deep breaths, Adam never uttered a single word. It felt like air was clogging his throat.

Sean gave up on hearing from him, so he sighed for the billionth time that day and enthusiastically opened his mouth. "This is Adam! Your grandson!"

The grin on his face just made Claire blink again just like how she did looking at the kid's innocent face.

Adam wanted to puke.

"A-Adam?" Grandma stuttered. "Are you Adam?"

He looked down at his shoes and slightly nodded his head.

"The one and only!" Sean cheered.

If this was any other day, Claire would have chuckled... Actually chuckled.

Adam, on the other hand, was fearing rejection. His hands were sweating, his legs feeling like jelly. This was a nightmare. Always has been.

Rejection is the only thing that'll put him down. And he didn't need that right now in his life.

"I knew it." Grandma looked up at the sky. "I knew it was you."

The sky was extremely blue today, as if it was celebrating with her too.

Claire just watched. She just flicked her eyes in-between the two people and watched how the expressions changed.

Adam was soon pulled into a hug, a hug he had missed for 7 years. The warmth he wanted to feel so badly. The familiarness he awaited for so long.

The arms he wanted to be in. The safest place he wanted to live in.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice coming out muffled.

"Son, you've done nothing wrong to apologize." She rubbed his back.

And that's how he got acceptance from his dearest family.

So after that, Claire, Adam and Sean learnt that his grandpa had gone to some other city, which was a bummer because Adam wanted to see him badly. There was an addition to the family, that was the small kid, Adam.

And the kid's sister, Naomi was Adam's cousin he had talked about yesterday, the one who was too close to him. And Adam's uncle and aunt, ofcourse, lived here too, the kid's parents.

Turns out little Adam was just 5.

As evening rolled in, Naomi and Adams uncle and aunt were home from their work.

They were pretty shocked by Adam's presence. But acceptance was what was needed.

"You kids go on and talk about stuff, we're gonna prepare dinner." Aunt Kelly smiled warmly, standing up from the small circle everyone sat in and had been sitting from like.. 5 hours.

Everyone just wanted to hold a conversation with their nephew and grandson.

And when grandma and Aunt Kelly left, the only ones present were the teens, as Little Adam had gone to bed by 8.

Naomi just stared awkwardly at the three of them.

"So, are you two in a relationship?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"Who-what? No, no one's in a relationship." Adam chuckled.

"Haha." Claire tried laughing too, but that came out sarcastically. She really didn't mean to.

"You tell me, how are you doing?" Adam questioned.

"I'm doing alright." She smiled. "los Angeles, huh? How's the place?"

"Hot." Adam replied. "Just the usual weather for los Angeles."

"I see."


"How are your parents-"

"They're fine." Adam said, looking away.

"Oh. Okay then." She nodded.

Sean nudged Claire, giving a puzzled expression but she just shooed him away.

"Naomi, please help me set the table!" Aunt Kelly called out from the kitchen, and Naomi sprang upto her legs and walked away eagerly.

Anything to escape uncomfortable situations.

It was just them now. And it was more than okay.


How are you guys???

Lemme tell ya, y'all the best. I mean, 45k?!

Gosh mahn kill me.

Alsooo, I would be soooo thankful if you could check out my other story "fight me"

Love ya guys!

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