31. I Fight a Bear. Kinda

Start from the beginning

"How about no," I said flatly.

"I thought you came here to help me!" Nino pouted.

"I'm here for emotional support," I rolled my eyes at him, "Who's the lucky girl."

Nino blushed and scratched his neck nervously, "Marinette."

If I had had any liquid in my mouth, I would've spit it out, "What?!"

"Keep your voice down!" Paws hushed me.

"Are they for real?" Fuko hissed into my ear. "Paws is the one who likes Marinette! Why is he helping Nino get with her?!"

"You two are hopeless!" I groaned.

"Alright, here's the plan," Paws filled me in.

"Really? The zoo?" I was doubtful... of a lot of things...

"Here they come!" Paws realized when he heard them talking as they left school. He signaled for Nino to go forward, then dragged me out behind him.

Nino awkwardly stepped in front of Marinette who didn't notice and promptly dropped her magazine when she bumped into him. Nino was absolutely frozen.

"Oh sorry!" Paws stepped out from behind Nino, "Right Nino?" Paws gave him a nudge.

Nino nodded stiffly, "Sorry."

Alya cast me a suspicious look, "Nice to see you bark-face," she greeted me.

I gave her a casual two fingered salute, "Carrot-hair." I rolled my eyes to let her know that I was being dragged into this.

While we had had our exchange, Paws and Marinette had a cute head bumping moment. Perhaps I should add that to my list of how to approach women. Butt heads with them. Ah yes. That sounded about right.

"Sorry about that. How can we make it up to you? Any ideas, Nino?" Paws looked at his friend who was still frozen.

Paws looked at me for help.

I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms, "The zoo's a nice place," I said deadpan.

Paws snapped his fingers excitedly, "Yeah! Why don't we check it out today? Word is they have a new..." He nudged Nino.

"Uh euge ja.... They've got a new panther!" Nino smiled awkwardly.

I groaned and hid my face behind my hand.

Alya brightened up at the suggestion, "Awesome idea! Right Marinette? You like animals."

"Uh, yeah. I, uh, I'm really into zoonimals. Ah, I mean anizooals. I mean zoonimals. I..." Marinette cut herself off before she could further embarass herself.

"Smooth Laces," I muttered under my breath.

Paws however, either didn't notice or didn't think anything of it, "Cool. Say: after school, four o' clock?" He offered. Then he looked at Nino, "Nino, sounds good?"

Nino nodded.

"Cool, four o'clock then!" Paws led Nino away.

"Four! Yeah..." Marinette agreed.

Alya giggled at my obvious discomfort, "What was that about?"

"They insist on torturing me by involving me in their hair-brained schemes!" I grumbled.

"Félix?!" I heard Paws call me. He gestured down, signaling to meet down by the Seine.

I shuffled away in his direction, grumbling about awkward children.

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