Part 4: Bone Crushing

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Right after Minjae left, Tae had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. It was like seasickness but then came the pain. He was on the floor before he knew it, going in and out of his head as his vision starts to blur while he silently screams as he felt every bone in his body breaking. The pain eventually got so bad that all he could do was gasp for air.

Jimin walked out of his room, "God, I thought ya'll would never-

Jimin rushed to Tae's side seeing him spasm on the floor.
"Tae! w-what's going on? "

Just as much as Tae wanna answer Jimins question, he didn't know himself. He felt like every part of his body was in agonizing pain. Kind of like how it feels like when a pup goes through their first transformation into wolf form. But this...this is impossible. Tae didn't trigger his wolf to why? What's going on. In the back of his head, he knew. He could feel his inner wolf howl in pain, while the responding black wolf, in the distance seemed to howl back, "betrayer".

"Tae! I'm gonna call someone. I don't know how to help you if you can't tell me" Jimin tries to cradle Tae in his arms but he keeps squirming violently. Jimin knows he has to keep it together but he's crying himself, seeing the other omega in such a scary state.

Just then Taehyung claws away from Jimin and painfully starts to take off his boxers and T-shirt. He slowly yet painfully transforms. And after what felt like an eternity of transforming, he soon after goes unconscious in his wolf form, panting and crying out for his soul mate's forgiveness.


When Taehyung finally wakes up, Jimin was laying beside him, cuddling him in his arms.

"So you're finally up?" Jimin asked with eyes still closed.

"how long?" Tae asked trying to get up but felt like a ton of bricks weighed him down.

" a week, you've been out cold for a week"

"wait. What?! But I ! how? –

Jimin lazily got up, "Chill Tae, I'm just fucking with you. It's only been a few hours. Do you honestly think I'd let you sleep through the week? Rent is due like tomorrow. "

"you ass, I literally felt like dying and you wanna joke?"

"Well, that's what you get for inviting dirty Minjae over. Seriously, even for a booty call, you could have done better than that. I mean, hello, me?"

Taehyung let out a dry laugh, "Jimin, you want to be made love to. TaeTae don't do that. I fuck".

"Whatever, your absolute lost". Jimin said giving him a little wink walking towards the bedroom door.

They laugh a little while Tae tries to find some clothes to put on, his body still feel like shit but his hunger was urging him to move.

"So.....what happened? You just spazzed and went wolf on me, then fainted... I was worried Tae".

" I....I really don't want to talk about it. I mean. I'm not really sure myself".
" need to tell me something. I've never seen you like that before. Also, I never knew you were a white wolf".

"I guess I can tell you, besides...maybe you know something I don't. But ONLY, if you treat me to pizza. WITH pineapples this time"

"Ew. Pineapples? You're the absolute worse. Fine. So tell me, how come you never told me you were a white wolf?"

"You just have no real taste buds", Taehyung stuck his tongue out as he tries to stretch, "And my wolf form....I mean you never asked? plus we never run together? Then again you know I'm more of a lone wolf when it comes to that kind of thing".

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