Chapter One.

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"Be home by five, we're having salmon and quinoa," My mom rushed around the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast as I sat at the counter, groggily sipping a cup of coffee.

"Of course, Mom," I muttered back, taking a quick peek at the time.

"Oh, and don't forget, the last moving truck is coming this afternoon, and we can finally finish unpacking." She packaged the leftover waffles in a clear Tupperware.

"Sounds great," I stood up from the counter, bringing my dishes to the dishwasher. "I have to go so I can register before school starts," I informed my mom.

"Of course, sweetie, have a great day!" She handed me a couple snacks for the day. I always carried snacks with me, hunger is unpredictable, and who knew how bad the school lunch would be. At my old school in Florida, the pigs that lived behind the school wouldn't even touch the scraps.

"Thanks mom," I stuffed the snacks into my school bag and ran upstairs to finish getting ready. The stairs were white marble, impossible to not hear footsteps echoing as I made my way up and down. Our new house was massive compared to our house back in Florida. My dad received an offer to work for the president's secret service agency, so we had to relocate to Washington, DC. With the job came a lot of responsibilities for my father, but also a lot of extra money.

After I finished getting ready for school, I ran out to my new car, a cherry red classic convertible, my dream car. My parents agreed to let me have it, as long as I took good care of it and kept it throughout college. If I could, I'd keep it forever. I was absolutely infatuated with it.

I typed the school's address into my GPS app. I was still learning the area and really had no clue how the major highways worked. It was about a fifteen-minute drive, but only three miles away. I'm getting used to the big city area, but I already liked the city more than the small country town I lived in before.

I reached the school parking lot, and pulled into the student area, parking in an unmarked spot. The parking lot was full of students, catching up on what they did over the summer. It hit me that I was completely alone, but I'd always been independent. I turned down my tunes and began to roll up my windows, when someone approached my car.

"This parking spot is taken," a female voice spoke loudly.

I looked out my window at a blonde with a pout on her face. She looked plastic from head to toe and was wearing way too much pink.

"Yeah, by me," I replied and pulled the key out of the ignition.

Barbie scoffed. "No, silly, by me, so please move," she crossed her arms over her chest, her furry pink jacket made it hard to take her pouting face seriously.

I opened the door to my car, grabbing my black leather backpack out of the passenger seat.

"Get here earlier tomorrow," I shrugged, and got out, closing and locking the door behind me.

"You're not going to get away with this," She stomped her pink go-go boots on the concrete.

"Watch me," I rolled my eyes and walked away, ignoring the small crowd that had gathered around to watch. I didn't care if they stared. I looked pretty good. Fashion had always been a hobby of mine, and I used it as a form of art. I wore a red cold-shoulder crop-top, with a pair of light denim jeans, and a black leather belt to match my bag. My shoes were clean white adidas with black stripes. Makeup was also a hobby of mine, and I always loved to be glammed.

I finally reached the front office area, leaving my new schoolmates to hang in the parking lot. I stopped at the front desk, asking where to go for registration. Once I found my place, I signed in and waited for my turn with the counselor.

"Lola Cortes?" A short woman with dark hair pulled back into a ponytail came out of her office.

"That's me," I stood from my seat in the waiting area and tossed my bag over my shoulder.

"Wonderful, here's your schedule, and you just need to sign here..." I signed the form. "Great, Miss Cortes, this is Madeline," She introduced me to a dirty blonde standing behind her. "She'll be your mentor and guide to help you adjust," the counselor then walked away, leaving me to her.

"Hi there, Madeline," I gave her the friendliest smile I could muster after the parking lot encounter.

"Hi, Lola!" Madeline exclaimed. "Welcome to George Washington High School, home of the eagles! I can't wait for you to see our school and what it has to offer. I hear you were captain of the varsity soccer team and varsity dance team back in Florida!" she gushed.

I was glad I had coffee that morning.

"I know you'll be a great addition to our school, and we are so happy to have you!"

"Thanks Mad-"

"Let me walk you to your first period! what is it?" She didn't wait for me to hand her my schedule, instead just read it upside down. "Oh wonderful, you have advanced placement physics with me! Wow you have a lot of science classes, is that what you want to do in college?" Madeline asked as we walked through the hallways, bustling with excited students.
"Um, maybe," I replied, trying to take it all in. The floor was white tile and the lockers were navy blue, the school colors.

"I'm going to be a lawyer. I'm also student body president," Madeline continued to talk, and I struggled to keep up. She talked a lot about how she was president of a lot of clubs and ran all the school's committees. She seemed sweet, just extremely talkative.

I sat through AP physics, listening to Madeline chat about school and her family and something about a twin brother and her cat called Mr. Whiskers. The teacher didn't do much besides talk about the materials needed for the year. I could tell the class would be easy.

First period ended, and Madeline and I parted ways. She invited me to sit with her at lunch, and I agreed, seeing as I didn't really have any other choice. My second period was literature, and third period was a free period.

During my free period, I decided to explore the school on my own, with the help of a very colorful and descriptive map Madeline made me during first period.


p.s. the photo is a Lola mood board - n.r.

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