The Hospital (Chapter 24)

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This chapter takes place at the hospital Beth and Noah were at earlier is season 5!

Third Person POV

Beth stood on top of the building staring down while Dr. Edwards spoke to her. She could tell today would be different. She could feel it. This place wasn't what they put it out to be. Saving people? More like enslaving people.

She could see figures coming out of one of the cars that just drove in. Two officers haul someone out of the car, she could faintly tell it was a girl. The girl began to fight back shouting at them. At first Beth couldn't understand or hear what the girl was shouting, until the shout turned into a monstrous growl. And not just any monstrous voice, Casey's monstrous voice.

"Oh my God." She whispered with a smile looking down.

"What is it?" Dr Edwards peered down to where she was looking. He saw and heard Casey too, but was more confused than anything.

Beth turned around ignoring all of his questions. She began to run for the doors being followed by Edwards. He grabbed her shoulder but she pushed him off heading for downstairs where they would enter. She ran by rooms causing everyone she passed to watch her in the hallway. She passed by Noah who called out her name but she kept running.

"Beth stop running!" Officer Dawn shouted but she kept going. Her legs began to ache and her head pounded but the doors started to open. She stopped in place as they dragged her in. Her eyes red, her arm bleeding from a bite wound.

"Casey!" Beth called out desperately. Casey's head shot up to her name and she narrowed her eyes at the familiar blonde. Suddenly her eyes went from a hard red to a warm green.

"Beth? Beth!"

Casey's POV

"Let me go!" I shouted jerking my arms trying to get free from the men in uniform. I could tell they were frightened by me but they stayed silent.

"We're saving you, stop resisting." One commanded but I growled at him making him shut his mouth.

They lead me inside the building which I assumed to be a hospital. They held me down in the elevator as we went up. They both observed me in confusion and fear. I stopped fighting, there was no way I could get out of this elevator without hurting them. I vowed I would never hurt a living soul again. The doors opened and I saw a bunch of people in blue uniforms standing in the hallway staring at me.

"Casey!" I know that voice. I know her voice. Beth? I thought she was gone! I could feel my eyes go back to its original color.

"Beth? Beth!"

"She's been bit, we gotta get this arm off now!" One of the officers shouted and man, the doctor I assume, approached.

"No! You can't!" Beth cried as a tall dark skinned boy placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Beth help us hold her down!" The doctor commanded. I could tell she was lost for words. If I tell them I'm immune they won't believe me. But they know Beth, hopefully they trust her.

"Don't touch me!" I cried as they dragged me into the closest room.

"Stop! She's immune!" Beth cried and everything stopped. The men loosened their grips on my arms and I ripped away from them.

"I'm immune you assholes!" I spat rolling up my sleeves showing my scars.

"That's impossible." The doctor said.

"She's obviously lying." A woman officer laughed.

"I know her, she was in my group! I've seen her get bit and scratched the past two years! She's immune!"

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