With love, Carl Grimes

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This is not exactly an update, but more of an alternate ending of my book. As I said Carl won't die in my story, but if he did, this would be his letter to Casey. Enjoy!

Dear the love of my life,
You're reading this because I'm dead. I was bit this morning, I could make up a story about how heroic I'd been, but the truth is best. Sure I helped a man, but I didn't save him. He wouldn't have survived alone, he didn't ask for my help, but I still gave it to him. It's weird, I don't feel a thing, it's like an everyday wound. I want you to know I'm not in pain, I'm okay.
Take care of Judith, okay? Dad and Michonne will help, but you were there for her in the beginning, and I want you there to the end. She needs you, she loves you, I love you.
From the moment our eyes met when you sat beside me in that car on our way to the safe haven, I knew I'd have a future with you. You carried me along, literally. From when I was shot in the woods, to when I was passed out with walkers on top of me, and when I lost my eye, you were there. You saved me, I saved you, without each other we wouldn't be who we are.
You were my first kiss, my first love, my best friend. Yeah we had our ups and downs but we never lasted a week apart.
Thinking about leaving you is the only pain I feel. We were supposed to grow up together, get married, have kids. And if you think about it, we did. We've spent the last years of our childhood together. We acted like a married couple, more than anyone else. And we raised Judith along with everyone else. So that's it, that's my fulfilled life.
I want you to promise me a few things. You will fall in love again, I won't bare holding you back. You will move on, I'll always be in your heart, but think about the future not the past. And don't die. When I lied in that bed wounded on the farm you said that if I die, so do you. Promise me Casey Grace Jones, you won't kill yourself, please. I would never forgive you. I know you couldn't save me, at least save everyone else. Please Casey, my love, my cure, move on, save everyone, and don't forget me. I love you, forever and always.
With love, Carl Grimes

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