24 ✮ The Greenhouse

Start from the beginning

I turned around to face a sleeping Will. He was shirtless on the bed, sleeping on his stomach, while his strong arms were underneath the pillow he slept on/

I know I should've left, but I ended up walking closer to him. I squatted near him and faced his cute, sleeping face. I couldn't help myself. He was so uncontrollably sexy right now. "I kinda want to kiss you right now." I whispered. 

"Richelieu." My name left his lips, but his eyes were still shut. I panicked and got up to leave, but he grabbed my arm. "You can't just say that and leave me." His voice was husky and hot from being half-asleep. 

He pulled me on top of the bed with him and wrapped his arms around me. My face presed against his warm skin and my fingertips trailed along his abs. We were pressed so close together that I lost it completely. 

I jumped out of the bed as fast as I could, breaking his grip on me, and covered my embarrased face with my arms. "I-I have to buy some donuts and stuff." 

I ran away from him before he could get ahold of me again. "Wait, I'll come with you."

I stopped him. "No need. It's okay." I said, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind me. I leaned on the door and let out a deep sigh. Will was so comfortable with saying and doing those flirty things with me and I was still so very awkward. I was always so desperately trying to catch up with his pace, but when he suddenly does those things to me, I get so nervous and panic. Why did my hot boyfriend have to be so experienced and why did I have to be such a potato when it comes to relationships? 

It would have been nice to cuddle up with him. 

I walked back to the kitchen and Aiden let out a small laugh when he saw my blushing face. 

"What's happening?!" Heather suddenly came running towards us in the kitchen in her Hello Kitty pajamas as she clutched a raised baseball bat. "I heard you scream! What's going on?!"

Aiden and I cringed as she came closer to us with that bat. Where did she get that bat anyways? "Um, Heather. It's okay!" I calmed her down, until she finally realized that there wasn't a robber or kidnapper terrorizing me in the kitchen. Better late than never, Heather. 

"I just saw your friend shirtless, it's no big deal-" Aiden bluntly said, until I nudged him in the stomach hard. He's never going to let that go. Ugh. Why am I so careless sometimes?!

"What!" He smirked at me. "If it was Will, I don't think you would've mind."

My mouth dropped to the ground and my face started heating up. Just the sound of Will's name sent thousands and thousands of shocks throughout my body. Not to mention, the thought of what happened this morning entered into my head.  "U-Uh..."

"And by that, I think she means shut up." Heather laughed, high fiving him. Wow. Thanks.

"Y-You guys are stupid. That will never happen." I grabbed my coat off the coat rack to avoid them. I just want to buy some donuts and coffee and be happy. 

"Poor William." Aiden pouted and then he realized I was leaving. "Wait, where are you going?"

"To get breakfast for everyone!" I yelled back, opening the front door. He skipped alongside me. "Wait, I want to come too." He smiled and I rolled my eyes, but agreed to it because I knew he would've complained non-stop if I didn't let him come with me. I would need someone to hold all the stuff anyways. 

"Fine, but stop teasing me about Will." I demanded, but he just replied with his signature smile. The one he claims is a 'lady-killer.' He winked and I punched him in the shoulder.

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