chapter 5

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I heard the clatter of heels running towards my frozen form.

"...Dawn.... ...need.... wake up...."

I couldn't tell who was speaking to me since the effects of the drug, Allen slipped into my drink were still talking their toll on me.

"Dawn, you aren't moving, please... wake up."

By now, the voice had become more clear and I could tell that the voice belonged to Mandy.

Her hot tears burned into my face, a stark contrast from the cool concrete I was still laying on.

"Oh my God..." I heard her breath out, before I felt a shift in her energy. 

She got deadly quiet.

I could only see a shadow of her moving, barely being able to make out her moving her head around slowly. 

"Who's there?" She yelled out, her voice echoing around the empty alley way. 

She whispered, something before I heard the noises of a dial tone. "My friend's not waking up! Some guy slipped something into her drink." I felt her warm hands brush the hair off my forehead as I tried with all the energy I had in my body to wake up and tell her I was fine. "Near, 26 Redwood Court Bronx. It's the new nightclub."

Groggily I peeled my eyes open, the task taking much more energy than I anticipated. "Mandy?" I drawled out, still heavily fatigued. Her eyes were shining like crazy, the light from the streets most likely reflecting in her tears.

She gasped loudly, her own face overjoyed but yet still filled with concern. She dropped her phone to the ground, the loud crack of it echoed through my ears.

"Dawn?" She exclaimed, tears pooling up in her now doe eyes. "I'm so sorry! I'm a horrible friend, you were right!" She sobbed, "We shouldn't have come."

My ears were listening to everything she was saying, but my eyes had a mind of their own and started traveling towards where Allen lay. She still kept muttering apologies, but my stomach exploded in nerves, just like last night. I grimaced, and attempted to clutch at my stomach, this didn't hurt but what was it? I looked up past Allen and saw my answer, the green lights.

Or should I say green eyes?

The figure approached closer and I screamed at Mandy to turn around, but nothing came out of my throat. The only noise that was heard was the far off distant noise of a police siren.

Mandy looked at me quizzically, "Dawn... what's wrong?"

But before I could even muster the courage, or effort to speak the man reached us in what felt like mere seconds.

Now, he was standing right behind Mandy and he brought his hand down quickly, my eyes widened as I stared at him. But all his attention was on Mandy, then he pushed down on an area that connected her neck to her chest.

Immediately her eyes rolled back and she collapsed right on me. I finally was able to speak and the first thing I did was to let out a guttural scream as Mandy fell down on me.

But although I could now scream, moving wasn't that easy. I tried moving myself up but to avail, I simply couldn't move. By now, the green-eyed man had his attention solely on me, as he looked down at me. The dark alleyways giving me no hint as to what he looked like. Just his piercing green eyes that seemed to glow un-humanly.

I cursed myself, I had prepared for situations like these. When I had first moved to New York one of the first things I did was take self-defense classes. I was certain they would come in handy one day- though I wish I never had a reason to use them. But now, it was just plain ironic that I had spent all this time learning how to move correctly and now I lay basically paralyzed on the ground.

But, though I couldn't move my whole body, I still had some new control in my arms so I grabbed Mandy's unconscious form, letting out a sigh of relief when I felt her pulse.

The man heard my sigh and spoke. "I didn't hurt her."

My mind turned to mush hearing him speak. It was as if I was listening to honey.

I snapped my attention towards him, my icy glare should have frozen on the spot, but he just seemed unaffected by it.

What the hell is up with this guy?

My eyes shifted from him to the club door which was only a couple dozen feet away from me, back to him.

I pulled myself up onto my elbows, my eyes glancing from Mandy to him and back to the door as I tried to plan a way to get out of this situation. I saw his eyes dance in amusement as if he caught a hint of my plan. I heard a small laugh erupt from him as he spoke.

"Trust me," He drawled. "You won't get that far."

I bit down a whimper, why do things like this happen to me? Why do I get myself trapped in situations like this? You would think I was a character in a story the way my life is.

So I decided, no matter how childlike, and dumb I'd look I would attempt to waste time, anything in time for the police to come. They were only a couple more minutes away.

"Please," I whispered, speaking to him for the first time. "Don't hurt me or my friend!" I pleaded.

His eyes turned soft, as his eyes sagged. The moonlight behind him only showing slight slivers of his face. He stepped closer, and that's all it took for me to release a startled scream, he quickly brought up his hands, covering his ears as he crouched in pain. 

While his eyes were shut closed, I turned my head, my hair flying in a million different ways, clouding my vision. Grabbing Mandy's arm as I tried to crawl towards the door that would lead us back into the club, but I heard a soft growl from behind me before I felt the soft whiz of air. And before I knew it, there he was.

Standing in the moonlight was the man I had mistaken as lights for the past 6 years of my life.

The moonlight contoured his already gorgeous face. His high cheekbones casting a shadow down on the rest of his face while his eyes looked down at me. And I swear the second I looked up and directly at them they flickered black.

His steely eyes held me captive as my body refused to move. "I told you, you wouldn't get too far."

And just as he had done to Mandy, with superhuman speed he pressed down on the same pressure point. My vision darkened and stars appeared as my eyes rolled back and I collapsed, falling forward.

This chapter was just so ugly,,,,, but it's okay I gave her a make over 😘😘😘 now instead of being ugly she's hot trash!!! No improvement was made 🤠

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