Chapter 25

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*Foxy's POV*


I have one week before the Christmas Dance and I have nothing festive to wear! Aside from a Christmas hat. Maybe I should call Freddy and Bonnie. Maybe they still haven't shopped for anything yet and we could go and get something together.

I dialled Bonnie's phone number on speed dial and called him. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, Foxy. Do you need something?"

"Not really... you know the Christmas Dance is coming up and everyone in school with a date can go right?"

"Yeah... what about it? Do you have a date or something? Or do you want me to help you choose your clothes?"

"Well... Yes, I do have a date and-"

"Wait you do?!? The four of us can go together as a double date! Also, who's the lucky girl you picked for the dance? I hope it's not Chica."

"It's Mangle. I asked her out when we got back together. And I kinda need your help since I have nothing festive to wear!"

"Not even a Christmas sweater?"

"It shrunk in the wash because of my mom. Oh yeah, since I told you who is my date. Tell me who is your date."

"Um... uh... I don't wanna say it."

"Why not? It's not like it's the end of the world if you tell me. And if you did, I wouldn't make fun of you."

"Ok. It's Bonbon."

"Your crush? I thought she doesn't like you!"

"Yeah well, she told me that she had an arranged marriage with Springtrap. And since I seemed the only candidate available since Fredd likes Chi, she asked me to be her pretend boyfriend. At least until her parents call the marriage off."

"Wow... tough luck dude. The least you could do is try to get her to like you with the amount of time you have. And hopefully, when the marriage is called off or before, she will ask you to be her real boyfriend."

"Yeah... maybe... But I have to tell you this Foxy. Springtrap is planning to get Mangle to be his girlfriend so that he can call the marriage off. Apparently, he and Goldie made a bet. Whoever wins Mangle's heart first gets to be her boyfriend. And since you are her boyfriend, they will do anything in their power to get you guys to break up."

"Pfft! As if they can force is too! We already made up! Turns out when we broke up, Mangle still had feelings for me."

"Wait, hold up. Freddy's calling."

"Link his call with ours. We can meet up later. Or some other day before the dance."

"Hey, Bonnie. I need some help" Freddy admitted.

"Yo! I'm here too, Freddy. So why'd you call?" I asked.

"Well, I kinda asked Chica to the dance but she said that we could only go as friends. But I really want to impress her so I need your help to come up with something nice to wear that will impress her." Freddy confessed.

"No worries bro! Foxy and I were just discussing a date to go out shopping. Why don't us three best friends go out and maybe find a gift for our dates?" Bonnie suggested.

"Sure, when though?" Freddy asked

"Is later today possible?" I asked.

"Okay," they agreed.

*Chi's POV*

"No not that one."

"Too tight."

FNAF High: Freshman YearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant